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Help MyTouch bricked itself... is that possible?


Dec 8, 2010
I used the phone for about 1 year, and then I upgraded. so I just set it on the counter with a clock app and played pandora once in a while, or used it occasionally for looking up stuff. no SIM card, just wi-fi.
One day I was listening to pandora, and the phone got quiet, I thought it was an ad or something when I looked after a couple of minutes, the screen was blank, I pressed the home key, and the initial screen was on, so I thought it received an update and it was restarting. I left it alone for another couple of minutes, and nothing. I tried to turn it off, and nothing, same screen. I removed the battery, and the phone won't come back on. I changed the battery, nothing. I charged the battery, nothing. If anyone has any ideas that can help, please. and thank you. Click.


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