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Help N6 mated with Moto 360 - notifications


Android Expert
Soooo. I am not getting notifications on my Moto 360 even though it's mated and functioning properly. Any ideas? No email, no text, no Google hangouts, nuttin? I swear it was working initially. I am using all stock N6 (the built in text type app) Gmail app and the Yahoo mail app.

Very odd.
Nope I checked that first. I am stupid though, I shut off the N6 and 360 and restarted them and viola all better. Sorry to make a worthless thread.
I do remember reading somewhere about the devices not communicating for some reason. It might have been after an update and a restart was required, but for the life of me i can't find it.

Not worthless at all. I'll betcha others will find this and it will help them. :)
Well for the benefit of future generations then I am glad I could help. ;)

Also, when I set it all up on Saturday I discovered that you have to activate notifications in Android Wear. I did not have to do that on the Moto X ...it was off an running. For the N6, it literally asked me (in android wear) do you want to activate notifications, and of course YES I wanted to activate notifications, so I checked the box.
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