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need a calendar that automatically syncs to my laptop


My request may seem a little obvious but something that ought to be simple is turning into a real blood pressure raiser!!

If I try and explain it may help you to help me :)

I have a gmail account soley to sync my calendar and contacts but from day one it has never worked properly. The problem started when I set up the account via the phone (Galaxy S2) it told me to make a googlemail account which I did. The next time I logged in it told me that all googlemail accounts were being upgraded to gmail and that the two accounts would merge and run like a single account - well they dont and they never have!

I now have a situation where I can put appointments into the phone and they dont always appear on the calendar on google and unless I remeber to change the default account for contacts they dont get saved at all! Very annoying.

I would now like to use my phone calendar as my main calendar and throw away my paper version but until I can completely trust that it backs up I cant.

This morning I have tried to use the Kies software and although it seems to work fine it doesnt automatically back up - I have to open the kies on my laptop and put in a pin number and basically its a PITA!

So - to my question - is there an app that allows me to add items to my calendar and contacts that will automatically update on my laptop without me have to physically connect them (surely there must be something that recognises that when I get home its on the same WLAN and just merge/update/generally speak to each other) - or am I asking for too much?? (can you tell I'm getting frustrated now??!!)

Many thanks in advance



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