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Help Need A New Launcher

Pretty simple, I'm looking for a quality launcher to replace the ones I've been using {Nova, Lens Launcher}.

What I'm looking for is to basically be able to set up multiple tabs and home pages, but separately from each other. Meaning custom grid sizes per screen, separate custom organization of apps on each screen, with presets like alphabetical, by usage, date installed, etc, and the ability to resize icons and add/remove labels and stuff.

I'd also like to be able to add/remove a 'dock' at the bottom if the launcher comes with one, and be able to bring up and search through ALL of my apps if I so wish, as well as being able to hide apps or have a 'trash bin' type of thing [like a folder of rejects] to put apps that I rarely use or don't use but can't/won't uninstall.

Basically, something that's kinda like iOS, in a way, but with each home screen being able to be separately customized from the others. Is there anything like that out there, guys? Any tips or suggestions?
I use a combination of Action Launcher 3 and Swipepad - also Google Gesture Search invoked by a swipe up on the screen. Doesn't do exactly what you describe but is quite different.
No dock
One homescreen (by choice)
Swipe in "pads" (10 different ones possible but I use 3) with apps for different use types on each
Full alphabetical app list (instead of drawer, or as well if wanted)

There are lots of ways to customize things..
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I use a combination of Action Launcher 3 and Swipepad - also Google Gesture Search invoked by a swipe up on the screen. Doesn't do exactly what you describe but is quite different.
No dock
One homescreen (by choice)
Swipe in "pads" (10 different ones possible but I use 3) with apps for different use types on each
Full alphabetical app list (instead of drawer, or as well if wanted)

There are lots of ways to customize things..

That sounds pretty good. Might have to consider that if someone else doesn't come up with another option. For now, you get a like. :3
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I use a combination of Action Launcher 3 and Swipepad - also Google Gesture Search invoked by a swipe up on the screen. Doesn't do exactly what you describe but is quite different.
No dock
One homescreen (by choice)
Swipe in "pads" (10 different ones possible but I use 3) with apps for different use types on each
Full alphabetical app list (instead of drawer, or as well if wanted)

There are lots of ways to customize things..

Wow, this action launcher is really buggy as hell. I can't change the home screen movement animation anymore, or the grid size without it freezing and crashing and not making the change. Every time it does this I have to turn off and then turn back on accessibility to get it to bring down notifications when I swipe down. AND it removes apps from my home screens when I accidentally place them wrong and it attempts to put it on a different screen or whatever. Also, app placement on home screens is a pain in the ass to do, because once you do it once, it's impossible to add to them in any sort of order without manually doing it and MANUALLY moving EVERY SINGLE ****ING APP ON THE WHOLE SCREEN TO ACCOMODATE!

Why is there no damn function to auto-sort the apps on each home screen? Dear god, whoever made this is a massive HOLE!
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Clearly that launcher is not to your taste. I have no issues with it, but I have no icons on my home screen..

I was only really that mad with it in the moment. If they just fix the bugs and add an easy way to sort, add, and delete home screens without manually removing or adding apps first, it'll be pretty golden.

I like how there's a 'quick home' when you swipe left, and the app list when you swipe right. However, what I'd add to that is allowing you to also sort the 'quick home' screen, as well as change its grid size separately from the other home screen grid size.

Being able to change ALL home screen grid sizes individually would be big for me, but not entirely necessary. Perhaps a 'fit apps to scale' option, allowing you to put as many as you want on there? Or better yet, and more inline with MY idea for a launcher, have a custom grid scale, but use scrollable home screens.

Hmmm, now that I think about it, maybe that would be more like separate scrollable app trays or app lists that you can customize?
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