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Need Help - Galaxy J2 Warns I'm Out of Storage And Will Stop Working But I can't Find Files To Delete


Well-Known Member
Posted this last night but somehow it's disappeared. Getting warning that running out of storage and phone will stop working. Connecting phone to computer shows about 1/2 GB free (out of 11GB). (Storage card has about 10GB free). But when I look at the DCIM folders in Internal Storage there's less than 1/2 GB of files there. Most of The other folders (including non-DCIM) are empty. Where are all of these files that I'm running out of Storage because of them? Why aren't they visible? Then I thought perhaps its the TRSH folder(s) in the phone but My Files does NOT have a TRSH in the Settings menu. I found Trash in Gallery -> Settings - Trash but it says there's nothing there.
Any assistance will be appreciated.
Samsung Galaxy J2
I'm getting warning that running out of storage and need to delete things or the phone will stop working.. When I connect phone to computer it shows only about 1/2 GB out of 11 GB free in internal storage (it shows shows over 100GB free in the card storage). But when I display the internal DCIM folders on computer there's only about 500 MB of files in the folders. The three non-DCIM folders are empty. I can't find 10GB of files to delete. Why is it warniing me it will slow down because I'm out of storage and what do I do to free up storage and keep phone working? Why can't I display these 10GB of files/folders?And how, just in case, do I delete the TRSH on the phone? There's no "menu" icon on the MY Files so I can't go to TRSH there. I found TRSH in Gallery but it says its empty.

This is the third time I'm trying to post this and it has not shown up in the forum. What do I have to do to get this posted?
Samsung Galaxy J2
This device is from 2015?
Time for a new phone.
Don't forget that the system apps take up a good percentage of the storage also.
I'm actually impressed that it still works.
But I haven't been adding any But that's an idea - I'll delete some canned apps (e.g. games) that I never use.

I just saw that SD Maid 2 in on F-droid so I'll download it from there.
Ad updates and growing cache files will take up more storage over time even without you installing anything new.

According to published specs this phone had 8GB of internal storage and the last update was to Android 5.1

It is well-past its use-by date and while you may be able to temporarily clear out enough memory to make the warning go away for a while it is definitely time to be looking for a more current phone to replace it.
WOW! - That looks like that did it. I freed up 2GB by deleting games and apps I never use. I'm not getting that warning now. Thank You Dannydet!
I'll download SD Maid 2 and see if it finds anything else.
As for a new phone, I agree. I'm deciding between the OnePlus 13R and the Motorola Power G 2025. They seem to be in the same price range and same "tier" of similar features and specs.
Thank you Fox Mulder for your "encouragement " to get a new phone 😊
By the way, it actually has 16GB internal storage running Android 9 but that doesn't change that you are right it is time to replace it.
While a brand new flagship is certainly nice, since you apparently are ok with something older you might consider going back a generation or two. You can get something that is still very up-to-date for a lot less money.
Also consider the option of a refurbished device from a reputable seller, I purchased my Pixel 8 Pro from Amazon Renewed late last year and it was a great deal.
I just got a new phone through my carrier, Boost mobile, the Celero5G plus, at $239 bucks and runs like a charm. 7" display and just as fast as my old Motorola edge. Couldn't be happier.
I am with Fox, my new cell is a 2022 moto edge plus, I am very happy with this one. Downside the battery really drains, when I am not doing much on it --
(Besides video games hehe)
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