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need some advice on getting insurance

I have 2 phones HTC EVO and Samsung EPIC both of the charging ports on both phones are crapping out on me I do not have insurance on either phones. Can I add insurance to both of them even though i've had them for little over a year now? What would be the best option for me to go about getting this fixed? kinda angers me that I bought two of their flagship phones(at the time) and they are already having hardware problems.
Sprint did have an "amnesty" promotion over the summer where you could add TEP (Total Equipment Protection) to any phone, but the entry period has expired. They might do it again, but likely not in time to make a difference in your case. Try taking your phones in to an official Sprint repair center and talk to them. You might be able to get a repair done for as little as $35.
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You can get insurance anytime you want to.

My wife broke her Epic4g I called sprint and asked if I could have my contract date moved up and was told they don't do that anymore. Then they told me to just get the insurance and pay $100 and they'll send me a new phone.

I was like...you can do that after you break it...they said yes it's an open enrollment type of thing. I said okay and my wife has a brand new phone for $108. Crazy!
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You can get insurance anytime you want to.

My wife broke her Epic4g I called sprint and asked if I could have my contract date moved up and was told they don't do that anymore. Then they told me to just get the insurance and pay $100 and they'll send me a new phone.

I was like...you can do that after you break it...they said yes it's an open enrollment type of thing. I said okay and my wife has a brand new phone for $108. Crazy!

That's right.... they had an open enrollment period...... that is now over. You only have 30 days to add insurance.
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You can get insurance anytime you want to.

My wife broke her Epic4g I called sprint and asked if I could have my contract date moved up and was told they don't do that anymore. Then they told me to just get the insurance and pay $100 and they'll send me a new phone.

I was like...you can do that after you break it...they said yes it's an open enrollment type of thing. I said okay and my wife has a brand new phone for $108. Crazy!

Thats cool!... cuz I thought it was only available within 30 days of purchase. Was this during the month of August? To my knowledge, this is when Sprint was offering an open enrollment.
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You can get insurance anytime you want to.

My wife broke her Epic4g I called sprint and asked if I could have my contract date moved up and was told they don't do that anymore. Then they told me to just get the insurance and pay $100 and they'll send me a new phone.

I was like...you can do that after you break it...they said yes it's an open enrollment type of thing. I said okay and my wife has a brand new phone for $108. Crazy!

Yes definatly i've heard of that happening sometimes. It seems like its a periodic promotion, so don't count on that always being the case. Best bet call in and see what can be done!
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