Ok so let me say from the start Ive never been a computer savvy guy at any point in my life time til about 6 7 months ago when I began dating this gal that the Feds had just dropped charges against ( let's just say selling something in one state brought from another state can be very profitable and illegal) I am by no means a stranger to the wrong side of the law and I'll take that a step further and say that sometimes crime really can pay! So me and this gal I'll call her 'A' hit it off pretty serious pretty fast she filled me in on her barley escaped legal troubles and if I could write worth a shit I'd do a screen play it was that suspenseful a Hollywood worthy I'm talking sealed I indictments... missing money.... Undercover Feds the whole deal now my gal pal A kept it true to her outlaw ways of life and when shit went South she kept her mouth shut and the crew did what they could do to see her walk and she is the only one that did much to the displeasure of a couple of different local..state and big Brother alphabet soups groups I am sure I'd shock most of you with the level of harassment retaliation and down right setup shit I've seen from some of the so called server and protectors here in this major metropolitan city so I didn't have trouble believing A when she said she thought her phone was hacked and it's been a learning curve for me to try and figure out the who?..how?...and why's. that somebody with a respectable level of IT skills is having a ball on our account or getting paid to I am not sure which I am just now taking the time to reach out online for some help and guidance so anyway if I still have your attention (I appreciate your time) I will get to my android troubles it will be shorter for me to just tell you what I would like to be able to do I want to find out if my or (As) phones have a way to prove to say a attorney or a member of the Freepress that or rights $ privacy had..has been voilated there are 4 android devices current involved in this Fiasco's but it's that is by no means the limit or scope of tampered items we have witness first hand (As) laptop is on the outside right now a HP Pavilion model dv4 PC notebook all of sudden can't get past the initial startup load screen because the boot manager decided to quit his job after having faithfully carried out his duties in that position since 2008( yeah was running Windows Vista) I'm sure that was just one of those shit happen moments and it was purely coincidence I had been trying for the last 3 or 4 days to find what file folder profile tools had been dumped in so that I could use emulator terminal in Android studio which I had just managed to get downloaded onto the HP anyway I'm sorry this is an Android page so I'll stick to Android and here we go Samsung Galaxy S7 running what system configurations identifies is Android 8 Lenovo tablet TB3-850F running marshmallows A LG ascots or some odd ball name like that running again what about device list as Oreo operating system and last but not least a Samsung j-3 Luna running Android 7 as I stated before I have had a crash course in source code and geek lingo the last few months and continue to have a growing overwhelming respect for the dudes that can program in develop this stuff I'm not even sure where to begin as far as the compromisation of our devices go but I've come across everything from a remote virtual keyboard to a bootleg beta play store that has been impossible to get off this play store has the unique benefits to automatically installing etime Google holder's account is log on to a device no matter what current version of Google play service the device has on it I'm not even going to get into the extremely long mind-boggling permissions list I was able to gain access to by downloading the APK app myandroidtools a app not even provided by Google play I've got pictures and files coming up missing camera settings where the pixels been changed for the focus of the cameras odd system apps popping up apps that were previously not system apps becoming system apps worker profiles showing up when neither of us had to configured them or work for a place it even does that or for that matter had any idea what a worker profile was until it showed up only reason I found out was listd devices on find my device it showed the Samsung Galaxy S7 twice same SIM card and IMEI number but one listed the ability 2 remotely erase the worker profile that was on the device and they both had different times since they had last last din spotted by the Google find my device app I'll leave you with one more how about the feedback section that is offered within a lot of a different apps once before I would get running apps... system logs any event logs now the only thing I get is running apps metrics and sometimes sysdump oh yeah and the occasional stack Trace and yes I am checking the box 4 user account furthermore it used to be that if I press the send arrow before I type anything in the column it would notify me that I had to put something down before it would allow me to send now I can click it and it'll send it off immediately without nothing being wrote on it at all I filled a number of Steve reports outt and while it might not be a standard policy to ever responds I understand that a lot of these do go to the developers and you would think that after 20 or so of these damn things somebody would have responded back to me So I could go on and on about the different things I have come across in these phones bottom line I believe they are rooted and that the root can be turned on and off or unrooted and rerooted if you will security certificates compromised what's the ads of kworker and job site having been given authorization to submit trusted certificates as well I just recently started playing around with some of the terminal emulators I'm currently using user land it has a partial Linux terminal on the tablets if anybody understands codes well enough I'd like to see if I could find a way pulling up some interesting logs it's not letting me access cat log