Check out AppTank!
AppTank is a new site devoted to app development, especially android apps! It connects people and businesses with app projects to developers that are looking for a project to develop. AppTank caters to app projects of all sizes and budgets. It also covers all types of apps ranging from games to apps for businesses! But don't just think that AppTank is for smartphone apps! AppTank also handles mobile web apps and web apps like you would see on facebook! So if you have an idea for a great app that you would like to develop, sign-up and post it on, there are developers waiting to come work for you! Likewise, if you are a developer looking to develop the next big app, sign-up and look at all of the projects being posted daily!
AppTank is a new site devoted to app development, especially android apps! It connects people and businesses with app projects to developers that are looking for a project to develop. AppTank caters to app projects of all sizes and budgets. It also covers all types of apps ranging from games to apps for businesses! But don't just think that AppTank is for smartphone apps! AppTank also handles mobile web apps and web apps like you would see on facebook! So if you have an idea for a great app that you would like to develop, sign-up and post it on, there are developers waiting to come work for you! Likewise, if you are a developer looking to develop the next big app, sign-up and look at all of the projects being posted daily!