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New Galaxy Rugby Pro owner!

After 3 BBs (and RIM's complete failure to update the Bold Touch, which I would have bought had it offered LTE and more RAM), I finally found my path away from those tiny, lightweight little e-mail machines.

I resisted touchscreen phones for the longest time, assuming they were fragile little battery hogs. The wealth of people I knew who had cracked their screens or pissed on about getting 6 hours of battery life only fed that assumption. I'm pretty tough on my phones and durability was always the dealbreaker for me. I never had to worry with my BBs because even if I dropped them, there was rarely a chance that I'd destroy the only method of interacting with the device.

Then AT&T released the Galaxy Rugby Pro which spec'd out decently enough for my purposes, claimed to be durable enough for my lifestyle, and was damn near perfectly timed for my upgrade.

I'm on day 4 of my life with this thing and it feels like it's the last phone I'll ever need (until someone comes out with another ruggedized phone with a faster processor, more ram, and in the same size or smaller). I taken the phone in the shower with me because, well, what else do you do when you have something that claims to be waterproof?

Post Script: I have an unlimited data plan. An AT&T rep promised me over the phone that I'd be grandfathered in if I just selected "Keep my current service" during my upgrade. I did so. Somehow I ended up with a pay-per-use data plan and I have an open case to reapply my old data plan. For the time being, to just allow me to have data service, they have put me on a temporary 3gb Share Plan which will be removed and backdated to the date of my upgrade, per an e-mail I have with AT&T. I have a resolution date of on or before Nov. 27th. We'll see if I get screwed or not.
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