Hi all,
Well, I've decided to make the switch, and am now the owner of a shiny new EVO 4G.
So far I'm really enjoying it - the reason I'm posting is that I'm hoping people with more Android experience might be able to offer some suggestions/guidance as I look to replace what I did/used on my iPhone with Android.
1) I've got a pair of Klipsch s4i headphones with the iPhone headset and remote controls. So far in my experience I've found that at least the middle play/pause button seems to work.... and in the Pandora app at least, double-clicking the middle button advances to the next song as well, just like on the iPhone - but I've tried the default Music app and DoubleTwist, and this double-click to advance doesn't seem to work. It also seems like the volume controls on the remote don't work. Does anyone have any suggestions/advice? I'm perfectly willing to buy new headphones that would offer a full remote system - is there anything like this available?
2) I used Beejive IM as a multiprotocol IM app - it doesn't look like Beejive is available, but can anyone recommend a good multi-IM service app?
3) I'm also very interested in streaming media from my desktop PC to my EVO (especially with the large screen and 4G connection, this seems like a much nicer option). I have been using Orb for music streaming, (I believe there's an OrbLive app for Android although I haven't tried it yet) and I've been using an app called Air Video for video streaming (primarily because Orb seems to just choke and do a terrible job on video on my system, while Air Video does an amazing job). Unfortunately it appears Air Video is iPhone specific, so I'm wondering what you would recommend for streaming/live converting video files from a desktop PC remotely (over wifi and over the Internet).
4) I use ooTunes for radio streaming, and would also love to hear about a good Android equivalent.
5) I use an app called Logitech TouchMouse which allows my iPhone to act as a wireless keyboard/touchpad to control my desktop PC. Would love to find something similar (I don't think TouchMouse is anything special, but it's the only one that I could reliably get to work - the other ones like AirMouse would often lose server connection).
6) On a more general note, if anyone has any recommendations for other music/video apps, I'd love to hear the recommendations. So far as I mentioned, I've tried both the default Music app and DoubleTwist, and they seem a bit barebones - I'd love to find out there's some excellent music/video app out there.
7) I've got Advanced Task Killer installed, and I also have the EVO's widgets for turning on and off the radios. If there's anything else that you might recommend for getting the most out of the battery, I'd love to hear it (the one negative thing I kept hearing about the EVO usually centered on battery life issues, so I'd love to do what I can to avoid those).
Well, I've decided to make the switch, and am now the owner of a shiny new EVO 4G.
So far I'm really enjoying it - the reason I'm posting is that I'm hoping people with more Android experience might be able to offer some suggestions/guidance as I look to replace what I did/used on my iPhone with Android.
1) I've got a pair of Klipsch s4i headphones with the iPhone headset and remote controls. So far in my experience I've found that at least the middle play/pause button seems to work.... and in the Pandora app at least, double-clicking the middle button advances to the next song as well, just like on the iPhone - but I've tried the default Music app and DoubleTwist, and this double-click to advance doesn't seem to work. It also seems like the volume controls on the remote don't work. Does anyone have any suggestions/advice? I'm perfectly willing to buy new headphones that would offer a full remote system - is there anything like this available?
2) I used Beejive IM as a multiprotocol IM app - it doesn't look like Beejive is available, but can anyone recommend a good multi-IM service app?
3) I'm also very interested in streaming media from my desktop PC to my EVO (especially with the large screen and 4G connection, this seems like a much nicer option). I have been using Orb for music streaming, (I believe there's an OrbLive app for Android although I haven't tried it yet) and I've been using an app called Air Video for video streaming (primarily because Orb seems to just choke and do a terrible job on video on my system, while Air Video does an amazing job). Unfortunately it appears Air Video is iPhone specific, so I'm wondering what you would recommend for streaming/live converting video files from a desktop PC remotely (over wifi and over the Internet).
4) I use ooTunes for radio streaming, and would also love to hear about a good Android equivalent.
5) I use an app called Logitech TouchMouse which allows my iPhone to act as a wireless keyboard/touchpad to control my desktop PC. Would love to find something similar (I don't think TouchMouse is anything special, but it's the only one that I could reliably get to work - the other ones like AirMouse would often lose server connection).
6) On a more general note, if anyone has any recommendations for other music/video apps, I'd love to hear the recommendations. So far as I mentioned, I've tried both the default Music app and DoubleTwist, and they seem a bit barebones - I'd love to find out there's some excellent music/video app out there.
7) I've got Advanced Task Killer installed, and I also have the EVO's widgets for turning on and off the radios. If there's anything else that you might recommend for getting the most out of the battery, I'd love to hear it (the one negative thing I kept hearing about the EVO usually centered on battery life issues, so I'd love to do what I can to avoid those).