Alright, so im gonna be able to get a smartphone soon, and im going with the N1, or the Pre Plus. Im drawn to the hardware of the N1 like crazy, and I have a feeling ill like it more than the pre, even though I love the idea of webOS, i feel it isnt as, idk good yet. But its definately great in my opinion. But anyways, I was wondering since multi-tasking is part of my decision, is it possible to get something like webOS cards, or HTC Leap in a new ROM? I know its possible to code, but how hard do you think it would be? Just something simple like changing what happens when you hold down the home button. Instead of just the 6 icons of your recently used apps, why not an HTC Leap view, or a card view. I dont care if its a "copy", i just want the fluidness of WebOS in that area.
PS. im gonna try getting into ROM development, but Im 17, and barely know enough java to program for android, so im not gonna get really far. So, cyanogen and all you other guys, im talking to you.
PS. im gonna try getting into ROM development, but Im 17, and barely know enough java to program for android, so im not gonna get really far. So, cyanogen and all you other guys, im talking to you.