We are an Android family (except for my iPhone wife). I am on Sprint through work and haven't really kept up with Verizon releases (my wife and kids are on Verizon). My oldest daughter got a Bionic just before heading off to college this summer, but she doesn't love it, it is merely adequate (weak signal pickup in her area). I bought a Droid 2 Global for my younger daughter last Christmas and it has been a huge disappointment. Locks up frequently, sometimes she can enter only a few letters of text before Go SMS shuts down....lots of little things. I don't think we have any upgrade offers currently (2 new phones in the past 4 months have used them up). I am not looking for cutting edge technology, just a reliable and reasonably fast Android phone for my daughter. I am not willing to shell out the bucks for a Nexus Prime, for example. What is a good choice for her? I am not even convinced it needs 4G, so that is not a major deciding factor for me.