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It might even be cliche to say; does anyone have any New Years resolutions they are even contemplating? For those of you willing, let's tell each other what we want to change and/or improve in our lives here and check back every so often and record our progress. Keep each other on our toes and make sure we stay on track! What say you?!
I practiced Kung-Fu in my early 20's and unfortunately stopped, I was never in better shape. My 2012 New Year Resolution and some good books to inspire me once again; Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee and 4 more detailed books that were put together and written by Bruce Lee and M. Uyehara. I remember the basic moves and stretches which is all i really want to do at this point. There is a great Aikido school near me but until I get a decent job, self motivation and some help here will do
I will also incorporate some weights into the mix as well. I need to get into shape, being a desk jockey for the past year in IT school has put me out of shape. So, its time for me to get moving. 
I practiced Kung-Fu in my early 20's and unfortunately stopped, I was never in better shape. My 2012 New Year Resolution and some good books to inspire me once again; Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee and 4 more detailed books that were put together and written by Bruce Lee and M. Uyehara. I remember the basic moves and stretches which is all i really want to do at this point. There is a great Aikido school near me but until I get a decent job, self motivation and some help here will do