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non rooted SCH r740c stuck on blackscreen

hi my samsung galaxy discover is stuck on blackscreen. its never been rooted.i dont know how or why it happened. any ideas on how to fix it? any help greatly appreciated...yes im a clueless noob and apologize in advance for my ignorance:confused:
Yes i already tried that.Ill check out the link you provided and report back.Thank you for the help.
Which files do i need to download?

Depreciated -- Odin + R740c CWM Touch Recovery -- Depreciated --
Odin V3.07.zip

Any From here?

boot.img modem.img recovery.img system.img
The version is R740CVVAMI1
After reading the posts in your xda thread it sounded like you came across a few bugs with the downloads in the initial post. If so do u have a better recovery and/or ROM i should use?
I would use Odin to flash CWM recovery and then the stock 412 update zip from CWM hopefully that should work for you.
Though if you wanted to wait till the weekend I may have a full Odin flushable stock 4.1.2 available in oembl appbl system modem recovery.
I don't really see any reason to wait however as we have recovered a phone that was on your version of flash to 4.1.2 directly.
Just don't make the same mistake another fellow did and go around deleting partitions..
The version is R740CVVAMI1
After reading the posts in your xda thread it sounded like you came across a few bugs with the downloads in the initial post. If so do u have a better recovery and/or ROM i should use?

As a side note triangle away does seem to work pretty well on this phone from 4.1.2 so you can get rid of the yellow exclamation mark
thx for all your help.like i mentioned in my original post,i am clueless when it comes to tech.with that said, could u please lemme know exactly which files to download from this link... SCH-R740C Samsung Galaxy Discover Cricket CWM touch - xda-developers

Depreciated -- Odin + R740c CWM Touch Recovery -- Depreciated --
Odin V3.07.zip
ill read the thread for step by step instructions i just need to know which files i need.
thx for all your help.like i mentioned in my original post,i am clueless when it comes to tech.with that said, could u please lemme know exactly which files to download from this link... SCH-R740C Samsung Galaxy Discover Cricket CWM touch - xda-developers

Depreciated -- Odin + R740c CWM Touch Recovery -- Depreciated --
Odin V3.07.zip
ill read the thread for step by step instructions i just need to know which files i need.

Ok, I can give you a bit of a run down,
Odin V3.07.zip - This is absolutely required to 'custom flash' your phone
CWM-recovery-amazing3gcri-eng.tar.md5 - This is the custom recovery (needed to flash custom update.zip files)

two files not mentioned here but available on the first post are:
Stock system/boot/radio 4.1.2 update for CWM amazing3gcri_stock_4_1_2.zip
Naked ROM 4.1.2 Preview update.zip for CWM amazing3gcri_unsigned_020214_231354.zip

*** I would use one of those with the CWM flash (lots of guides available for CWM) to upgrade your phone to 4.1.2 to avoid having to manually DD the modem.bin to the device..

the other option is:
Odin V3.07.zip -- Still required
Stock-boot+system-R740CVVBNA5.tar.md5 -- System+boot
Stock-recovery-R740CVVBNA5.tar.md5 -- Recovery
4.1.2 modem.7z

Follow the instructions on the initial post, using BOTH tar.md5

boot into the AOS, turn on usb debugging

1) download modem.7z
2) extract modem.bin
3) place on sdcard
4) run cmd:
5) adb shell
6) su
7) dd if=/mnt/extSdCard/modem.bin of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 bs=4096
8) wait 2 mins after it finishes writing and execute reboot
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