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Help Note 5 reboots


Jan 4, 2009
I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and recently started rebooting. It seems to be quite regular. After 2 to 2 1/2 minutes after booting, the phone locks up and reboots. I tried several basic things such as clearing the cache, removing the SIM card, air plane mode, etc. I also tried entering the recovery mode and found that it also locks up and reboots in that mode as well.

The only thing i've been able to do is enter Odin mode and reinstall the current ROM. The phone does not reboot when in Odin mode and while flashing, but starts the reboot cycle again once the phone starts up and starts the installation/setup processor.

What would cause this kind of problem and is there anything I can do to fix it?
Hate to say it but your entering the home stretch where your phone is concerned. Generally speaking most phones taking care of , kept updated with security patches, etc you can expect to last 18 months to 24 months use. Generally speaking after the two year mark your on borrow time
My wife's note 2 lasted four years as her daily driver. She got it two days after it launch and used till the note 7 came out, she had the note 7 for two weeks when the issues started , being we have a child who plays with our phones, she took the note 7 back and went back to her note 2,this was December 2016. She switched to the note 8 in 2017.
After basically five years her note 2 was given to our daughter we factory reset it, installed games for her and it lasted about six months and then it died one day. We tried charging both batteries we had for it nothing.
So you can try a different rom, factory reset it but eventually it's going to give out
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