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Note 6 Release Date - Rumors & Thoughts


Android Enthusiast
I've been starting to see some Note 6 rumors mentioning a possible March release date for it. Others mention the traditional Q3 timeframe.

It makes me wonder. If Samsung had the Note 6 ready for March, would it have any more compelling reasons to hold it back for six more months? Is there any way that doing so could somehow be more valuable to them than six months of lost opportunity selling it, six months of time going by while its superior specs immediately begin their inevitable march toward eventual obsolescence, six months of time lost of being at the top of the list for the highest end device available?

I also wonder, if a March launch is in fact being hatched, if that would be any indication that the Note 5 design and release was a calculated move to just try and come out with something 'on schedule', to try and keep sales from being taken away by competitors offerings, while Samsung was working hard to actually achieve the Note 6's design and production capacities? It still seems hard for me to believe that Samsung could have been expecting the relatively meager improvements to the specs of the Note 5, over it's predecessors, to produce market leading excitement and sales. What is being rumored for the Note 6 seems to me to be what I was expecting the Note 5 would have been by then. Although, I can't say that seems to satisfy as an explanation for why they dropped the microSD in it, and gave it a smaller battery. I still say those decisions came from people who didn't have a winning grasp of what has made the Note series so strongly popular among its buyers.
I would be shocked to see a Note release in March. That's typically reserved for the Galaxy S line, in this case the S7. I am not expecting the Note 6 until at least August. My 2¢
I also wonder, if a March launch is in fact being hatched, if that would be any indication that the Note 5 design and release was a calculated move to just try and come out with something 'on schedule', to try and keep sales from being taken away by competitors offerings, while Samsung was working hard to actually achieve the Note 6's design and production capacities? It still seems hard for me to believe that Samsung could have been expecting the relatively meager improvements to the specs of the Note 5, over it's predecessors, to produce market leading excitement and sales. What is being rumored for the Note 6 seems to me to be what I was expecting the Note 5 would have been by then. Although, I can't say that seems to satisfy as an explanation for why they dropped the microSD in it, and gave it a smaller battery. I still say those decisions came from people who didn't have a winning grasp of what has made the Note series so strongly popular among its buyers.

Hey, Samsung probably figured why not! After all, Apphole gets away with re-issuing essentially the same phone having new operating system and model #'s, then watching the sheep go wild thinking they were getting new tech innovation. The problem is that Samsung didn't realize that it's own followers are tech savvy people and not Apphole sheep. They failed to see the writing on the wall that even many of the sheep got tired of the same old - same old and found a new pasture.

The problem now is that there's nothing spectacular any company can do with phones to capture a greater market share at this time. For the rest of this decade, we'll probably notice less stunning technological advancement, removing bells & whistles for cost cutting profitability (ex. nixing the SD card slot, fixed battery, etc.) and decreasing quality. With the Cellphone providers separating themselves from exclusive partnerships and other companies vying for market share with cheaper but attractive phones, Samsung may be distracted with cost-cutting wars and compete with the others until they can establish dominance again with some real game changing technology.

I'm still on my marvel & flawless Note 3, having IR, SD, and removable battery features which tops the later issues. The pattern I'm beginning to see here is, Samsung is going to make me wear the cover off of this phone. I'll have to drop them a line and thank them for helping me save a couple of thousand dollars by not having to upgrade. I'm thinking it will be a NOTE 6 NOT!

I'm still on my marvel & flawless Note 3, having IR, SD, and removable battery features which tops the later issues. The pattern I'm beginning to see here is, Samsung is going to make me wear the cover off of this phone. I'll have to drop them a line and thank them for helping me save a couple of thousand dollars by not having to upgrade. I'm thinking it will be a NOTE 6 NOT!

If Samsung gives us a Note 6 with 8GM RAM, >= 128GB internal storage, microSD slot, great low light level camera, that'll be enough of an improvement for me to move on from my Note 3. Replaceable battery would still be a big plus but I can make do with a ZeroLemon battery case. Not a great solution, but I'd resolve to live with it, to get the improvements in the other specs.
What a STUPID article:


There is a HUGE difference between the S series and the Note series. The S series is the flagship device for the casual user... the Note series is more geared to professional and power users. What Sammy needs to do is stop throwing S Edge Plus phones into the mix at the Note launch. Two completely separate demographics buy those devices. Dedicate the S launch to the S, S Edge and S Edge Plus. Save the Note launch for the NOTE and NOTE EDGE (if applicable) - imagine that concept!
What a STUPID article:


There is a HUGE difference between the S series and the Note series. The S series is the flagship device for the casual user... the Note series is more geared to professional and power users. What Sammy needs to do is stop throwing S Edge Plus phones into the mix at the Note launch. Two completely separate demographics buy those devices. Dedicate the S launch to the S, S Edge and S Edge Plus. Save the Note launch for the NOTE and NOTE EDGE (if applicable) - imagine that concept!

And I thought all this time that the phrase Talking Out Of Ones' A** wasn't meant to be taken literally......... :rolleyes: :wtfdroid:
Pretty soon the S7 will be released and the Note 6 will go into production. I'm predicting another Unpacked event in mid to late August for the Note 6 and an early October launch. Money's in the bank for a full retail purchase... are YOU ready? I'm on pins and needles!
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