Hi there,
Using a Galaxy S,
I9000XXJPP hardcore@speedmod-k9a-256hz # 191
So I'm using Doc's Original V8.
When I come to edit framework, I use 7zip to edit the ROM I'm flashing onto the sdcard when mounted, zip it back up, and flash the theme via clockwork. Been very successful doing this, but whenever I edit any of the status bar items, e.g. "status_bar_background", zip, flash, they never appear.
I'll give you an example. I've customed all the icons in framework-res.apk for Docs ROM, and copied over identical files from another. All works fine and has stabilised. When I edit, copy other, etc from other themes, it never changes, ever.
Tried moving framework.xml files, layout ones, nothing seems to work.
So now I'm left with finding a theme that has the right notification bar, then to just edit all its existing .png's to what I'd like from the Doc ROM, or I just ask you guys.
Using a Galaxy S,
I9000XXJPP hardcore@speedmod-k9a-256hz # 191
So I'm using Doc's Original V8.
When I come to edit framework, I use 7zip to edit the ROM I'm flashing onto the sdcard when mounted, zip it back up, and flash the theme via clockwork. Been very successful doing this, but whenever I edit any of the status bar items, e.g. "status_bar_background", zip, flash, they never appear.
I'll give you an example. I've customed all the icons in framework-res.apk for Docs ROM, and copied over identical files from another. All works fine and has stabilised. When I edit, copy other, etc from other themes, it never changes, ever.
Tried moving framework.xml files, layout ones, nothing seems to work.
So now I'm left with finding a theme that has the right notification bar, then to just edit all its existing .png's to what I'd like from the Doc ROM, or I just ask you guys.