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Notifications disappear


Android Enthusiast
I can wake in the morning with no notifications. However ,I open my phone and I'll have several emails waiting for me. A few minutes ago I got a calendar reminder and just ignored it because I wasn't home to take care of the task. I get home and open the phone, no calendar notification, it's gone. Cause? Fix?
I need to bump this thread because it's so frequent. For example, I had a calendar reminder for 6pm today. At 530 I got another calendar reminder for another item. I immediately checked, both remained in my notifications. I checked back in 15 minutes and the 530 reminder was gone. Then, I got a few emails and texts and when I checked my notifications the 6pm reminder was gone as well. I have this happen with emails all the time. I'll get emails, and the notifications remain sometimes for just seconds before disappearing. Other times they stay for some time before they are gone.
I'm a little confused if there is a problem here. When you view your Notifications and check various items they'll be automatically cleared as they're viewed. Is this a matter where you want to each item to stay in the Notifications menu until you manually select them to be cleared or left as is?

Depending on which version of Android your S10+ is running this may not apply but if you set up 'Notifications log' it will keep a persistent record of notification entries in a viewable log file (going back a few days, with newer entries wiping the oldest entries on a continuous basis). On older versions you need to enable it manually but on newer versions is the option might be buried in your Settings menu:
That link also refers to an 'Unnotification' app you can get from the Play Store that might help do what you want.
I understand that clicking on a notification or if you go into your email the email notification disappears, for example. This is different. Mine disappear with no interaction.

1) I can be on chrome, for example, and hear a mail notification and see the icon pop-up in the notification area. And that same icon sometimes immediately disappears just as soon as it appears. I never have to go into the notifications for it to disappear.

2) I can leave my phone down for hours. On the AOD I can see I have a calendar reminder, email, and a Facebook notification (for example). Without ever opening the phone, I will look at the AOD and now only see the Facebook notification.

Those are just two examples of them disappearing.
OK, that does clear up things. If you can't correct this notification problem by messing with its settings I wonder if this might be tied to something with Samsung Experience (previously Touchwiz), the user interface/launcher. Try going into your Settings >> Apps menu, find and open that Experience app, and then tap on its 'Clear cache' button. A more drastic step would be to use 'Clear data' and then be sure to restart your S10+, but using Clear data might affect a lot of things you've set up on your phone (appearance and UI related).
Ahhh, that might be something to look into then. I haven't used Nova but others here praise it highly, hopefully they'll chime in with suggestions.
Ok, I have been able to narrow down at least part of the issue. Calendar reminders disappearing. Here's how I have it setup and use my calendar.
  • I create events as reminders in my calendar
  • An event will have a date (duh) and duration of the event.
  • Example - my son had swim practice this morning from 930-1030. Calendar event was for today for that time, with a reminder (notification) 1 day in advance.
  • Yesterday at 930 I got a notification that he had practice this morning. I left it there, never cleared it from the notification list.
  • Today, at 1030, at the end of the event, it disappeared.
So, it appears as though once a calendar reminder has passed, it disappears. That is why I don't even *see* some notifications. Here's another example, an example of one I never see.
  • I have all my bill due dates listed on my calendar, as a reminder of when things need to be paid, or when it will be taken from my bank account.
  • I create an event on my calendar on the due date. I have a credit card due on the 3rd of each month. I want a reminder 7 days prior so I can make sure I pay it, and I don't clear the notification until I pay it.
  • For this example I make an event on the 3rd, with a 7 day reminder, and an event time of 6pm-6pm, zero minutes.
  • I think it's this zero minute portion that is causing issues. Reminders with zero minutes never appear, even if the event is 7 days from now.
Now, this only answers (I think) part of the issue. I still have other notifications disappear on their own. I can be on my phone (say, Facebook) and I get a notification, buzz, and tone for new email. The notification appears and in a blink of the eye it disappears all by itself, without me even looking at it. I can also have NYT notifications waiting to be read. And hours later they're not there, without ever clicking on it or clearing it.

Because it was asked earlier, I'm using nova launcher pro and calengoo. I have the exact setup I had on my previous phone (I exported and imported the settings for each).
hi there, I have a Samsung S10 plus and came to the conclusion that without any reason my Calendar app is gone from the home screen, when I search it in all the apps I can still find it but can't add it back on the home screen. The location where it allows the add apps doesn't show the calendar anymore. It probably disappeared while doing an update .. what can I do??
hi there, I have a Samsung S10 plus and came to the conclusion that without any reason my Calendar app is gone from the home screen, when I search it in all the apps I can still find it but can't add it back on the home screen. The location where it allows the add apps doesn't show the calendar anymore. It probably disappeared while doing an update .. what can I do??
I'm not sure, but that's different than my problem so it's probably best if you create your own thread.
I have been using Nova Launcher Prime for years - It has never altered my notifications in any manner. The ONLY thing you can change regarding notifications via Nova Launcher is to add Notification Badges and 'Hide the Notification Bar' .....

Have you checked your 'DO NOT DISTURB' settings?? Based on your description - your basically describing exactly what the 'Do Not Disturb' function does. It hides/stops all notifications until you pick up the phone, or until a certain pre-programmed time.

Hope this helps,

Mike H
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