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Use it less. ;)

Seriously, turn the brightness down, and restrict which apps can update in the background (especially use data in the background) to just those you think you want to do this. Look at your battery stats and see which apps are using the most power, and see whether there is anything you can do about them.

Remove any "task killers" (which also sell themselves as RAM boosters, performance optimisers and, yes, battery boosters!). Crapware like "Clean Master" actually wastes battery while telling you it is doing the opposite. If you have anything like that on your phone, delete it.

Use WiFi when you have it, as it uses less power than mobile data.
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Use it less.

Use WiFi when you have it, as it uses less power than mobile data.

If I keeps my WiFi on even when on no signal, does burn burn more juice? I would have thought switching uses power, but that may be because I'm old fashioned and like to wear slacks as lounge wear these days.

Use it less.

Use WiFi when you have it, as it uses less power than mobile data.
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