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Official Reply from @MetroPCSNY

Vance: I too am having so many problems with my Indulge. They have already replaced it once and I have spend all my days off going back to the main store only for them to tell me that metro pcs internet connections are down and I will have to return. It is a 30 mile round trip for me and they keep telling me the same thing. I have yet to have any kind of internet connection on my phone not to mention the battery problems. I find that the customer is not right and they do not care about my business. I have been with them for about 10 years and I am so frustrated. I too am going to go to the BBB. 400 dollars and a increase in my phone bill for a fradulent service the Metro is unable to provide. Yes, I would say this is most definitely fradulent and no one will work with me on this issue. I am going nuts
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I don't seem to have the problem you people have (up North I take it). For one, I'm in Miami.
I got 4G just about all the time here. I mean it is "MetroP(olice)C(elluar)S(ervice)"...haha but no serious.....
I loose 4G once in a while and sometimes loose service all together but it's "bearable"
As for the battery, after rooting and removing the bloatware and then doing a FACTORY reset the phone got back to a stable Android system but you have to do the root/remove first. And since my contacts where in my gmail account, getting them back over was no biggie.
Of course I would like to have the 4G NOT always searching for the LTE network and a widget to turn on/off 4G but I am sure someone somewhere will do a custom ROM or the OTA that the metro "corporate" store here says will come in a few weeks to address the battery & 4G issue....I'll wait and see. But I got my wife a LG Optimus metro phone and I see how slow the 1X is on getting stuff from the market.
But I can say I get call signal in more places now than before using the Indulge. My Nokia 6265i would not get good signal and then my Samsung Code was better but the Indulge is the best so far. So it's a give and take....but the battery issue needs to be fixed. I agree with that.
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I don't seem to have the problem you people have (up North I take it). For one, I'm in Miami.
I got 4G just about all the time here. I mean it is "MetroP(olice)C(elluar)S(ervice)"...haha but no serious.....
I loose 4G once in a while and sometimes loose service all together but it's "bearable"
As for the battery, after rooting and removing the bloatware and then doing a FACTORY reset the phone got back to a stable Android system but you have to do the root/remove first. And since my contacts where in my gmail account, getting them back over was no biggie.
Of course I would like to have the 4G NOT always searching for the LTE network and a widget to turn on/off 4G but I am sure someone somewhere will do a custom ROM or the OTA that the metro "corporate" store here says will come in a few weeks to address the battery & 4G issue....I'll wait and see. But I got my wife a LG Optimus metro phone and I see how slow the 1X is on getting stuff from the market.
But I can say I get call signal in more places now than before using the Indulge. My Nokia 6265i would not get good signal and then my Samsung Code was better but the Indulge is the best so far. So it's a give and take....but the battery issue needs to be fixed. I agree with that.

The connection to 4g has always been fine, unless the phone itself wasn't working right. Try downloading a 300MB file. After about 15-50MB, each time, the file would stop downloading. That's another problem though and wasn't brought up here.

The biggest problem is that we have to fix Samsung's mistakes. That should not be. And when we brought up the problems we were told that they understood the problem and that the next phone we buy from them will be better. No support for this piece of shit right now.

1xrtt is terrible for data and 4g guzzles the battery. Wifi is the only true option with the Indulge to last for longer than a few hours and that means that the Indulge sucks, in my opinion.
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Firstly, great work Vance! Keep fighting the good fight! Please update us of any further replies you may receive.

Well after reading this forum I will try this that a support tech posted during chat with someone here on this forum.

It can't hurt and being it's brand new I will try it.

Sean : I will provide you some steps to increase the battery life.
Sean : 1.Turn your device ON and Charge the device for 8 hours or more
Sean : 2.Unplug the device and Turn the phone OFF and charge for 1 hour
Sean : 3.Unplug the device Turn ON wait 2 minutes and Turn OFF and charge for another hour Your battery life should almost double, we have tested this on our devices and other agents have seen a major difference as well.

Saying the battery life will double is hard to believe but I have nothing to
lose and this way it will help me make a decision if I should return it or not.

I'll report back after this wacky recharge process :D

Let me save you some time / effort. I did that. It doesn't do anything.

Try this - goto your gallery and open a picture. Click the "share" button from the menu and choose messaging to create an MMS. Click the contacts button and check the box next to two or more contacts then press add... CRASH every time :)

I think I just came up with my new signature (hey, check out this easter egg)! :D Thanks ciper!
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Here's another FUN one.

Install some apps and move them to the SD card. Have some free space on the first page of your apps. Move the icons for those SD card apps to another page. Now reboot the phone. They will all cram together on the first page losing whatever order you had.

I took the time to move all my apps to the sd card only to have them go into RANDOM ORDER every time I rebooted. Trust me its not fun
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I just did my complant to the B.B.B. my self also.
Connection issues for 4G. Works for about 2 mins then drops all data. Then goes to 1x and then to nothing.
They say they fixed the tower but still nothing. I am on my second phone, tried go to the store today after my 3rd trouble tickets time has expired. Now they are feeding me BS about having to wait til the end of the month for a software update.

Thats crap. get the software now if ya got it. Nother trouble ticket to open on monday. And another call to corp office down in texas. When you call corp. make sure you hit option 2 and then when they ask you to hit 1 or 2 a second time hit 2 again.
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Boost is a lot slower than LTE but faster than 1xRTT. Their phones are very low end though. Even the Prevail is weak. That's why I picked up the Indulge.

PM sent.

Sorry to barge in on your forums. But I have a question. Isn't the boost 3g network the exact same as Sprints (or do they cap you)? I am currently on metro pcs I have the hauwei Ascend which was a really crappy phone until Cyanogen mods stepped in. The thing is, there is no lte network where I am from metro so it is pointless for me to buy the Indulge. I am however seriously considering the Prevail from boost. I know its not the best phone but with some tweaking im sure I can make it a decent phone. So to sum it all up how slow is the boost networks 3g?

Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.
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Sorry to barge in on your forums. But I have a question. Isn't the boost 3g network the exact same as Sprints (or do they cap you)? I am currently on metro pcs I have the hauwei Ascend which was a really crappy phone until Cyanogen mods stepped in. The thing is, there is no lte network where I am from metro so it is pointless for me to buy the Indulge. I am however seriously considering the Prevail from boost. I know its not the best phone but with some tweaking im sure I can make it a decent phone. So to sum it all up how slow is the boost networks 3g?

Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.

Boost is Sprint... Kind of.

Sprint customers will get priority but I never had a problem with my Boost service.

Gender the reason I went with Sprint's EVO. I am extremely happy and the only thing I haber left to deal with Metro is getting a refund for this piece of crap phone they call a good device...
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I wish I read this thread earlier. My girlfriend and her daughter both got Indulges. I rooted both of them but battery life still sucks. I have a Thunderbolt from Verizon which had battery problems too. Complaining to Verizon got me an extended battery for free. Maybe we could get the same deal from Metro if we all complain more.
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Sorry to barge in on your forums. But I have a question. Isn't the boost 3g network the exact same as Sprints (or do they cap you)? I am currently on metro pcs I have the hauwei Ascend which was a really crappy phone until Cyanogen mods stepped in. The thing is, there is no lte network where I am from metro so it is pointless for me to buy the Indulge. I am however seriously considering the Prevail from boost. I know its not the best phone but with some tweaking im sure I can make it a decent phone. So to sum it all up how slow is the boost networks 3g?

Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.

My father just got the prevail and i was an old Sprint customers and the Sprint 3G is the LTE speed on metro at least in NYC.

Sprint 3G is about 1m-2m down and 500k-1m Up
Boost 3G is about 300k-500k down and 200k-300k up
Metro 4G is about 1-2m down and 1-2m up (this are NYC Speed, Some of this guys get 7m-10m)
Metro 1x is about 128k down and 128k up

I wish I read this thread earlier. My girlfriend and her daughter both got Indulges. I rooted both of them but battery life still sucks. I have a Thunderbolt from Verizon which had battery problems too. Complaining to Verizon got me an extended battery for free. Maybe we could get the same deal from Metro if we all complain more.

I was reading and it not a Indulge problem is a LTE problem. All of the current LTE radios are Power hungry. Non of the manufacture as been able to put a leash on the power hunger of the radio. All I'm really want from them is a simple toggle like the Evo had for 4G. That would make all the difference. The having to reboot the phone really sucks. If you have the phone on 1x all the time you don't even have to really worry about the battery life as this will last you about 1.5 days. After this Samsung phone i dont think i will get other. some guys here said the HTC is make a phone for the Metro i will see when that happens and maybe jump on that one but hopefully they worked on the LTE radios.

This is a fact of life we are the real testbed for them, So this i what you get for getting top of the line consumer products. If you look at business products they just don't cost more because they just slap a sticker to say business, it cost more because is consider to be proven technology. This is why most business product have a longer warranty, because the manufacture is sure there product can last longer then the warranty period. Hint why most consumer products only carry a 1 year and not 3

You can use another launcher simply by installing one. You can't remove all portions of the TouchWiz software, but most of it (the music player, the camera, the dropdown controls, the calculator, the calendar) you wouldn't want to.

If i ever want to go back just uninstall the launcher and that it? Can you point me in the direction of the stock android launcher
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