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Root Ok, so I think I'm ready to root...


Android Enthusiast
Nov 28, 2010
... I've read (and hopefully understood) [TheAndroid]'s tutorial on rooting, but I still have a couple questions before I start. I should mention I plan on sticking with stock Froyo.

Firstly, why should I root to begin with? If I do, which recovery and which kernel should I use and why? What are their feature sets? I know some of them disable certain hardware like the front facing camera (which is pretty useless to me anyway). Will rooting wipe my phone and sd forcing me to re-install everything or is that only for when you flash a new rom? Should I wait until after I've rooted to move apps to sd or can/should I do that 1st? Other than increasing the amount of storage space on my phone, what advantage is there to moving apps to sd anyway? (There seems to be some confusion on this forum regarding disk space ((aka phone memory)) vs actual ram). Does this phone use free disk space as virtual memory?

I'm not really looking to supercharge my phone (I don't use it to play games or anything), I would just like to increase performance and not have to do a battery pull every time I try to launch 2 apps.

I know that was a lot to ask in one thread, but i wanted to consolidate instead of starting a bunch of new ones. I've also tried to research this stuff, but just got more confused.
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While we are doing this, can you please tell us what a kernal is as well?

thanks in advance, this thread will be very useful to us non-supersavy types.

essentially, it's the drivers

here's some good info on how Android works:
What is Android? | Android Developers

"Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack."
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... I've read (and hopefully understood) [TheAndroid]'s tutorial on rooting, but I still have a couple questions before I start. I should mention I plan on sticking with stock Froyo.

Firstly, why should I root to begin with? If I do, which recovery and which kernel should I use and why? What are their feature sets? I know some of them disable certain hardware like the front facing camera (which is pretty useless to me anyway). Will rooting wipe my phone and sd forcing me to re-install everything or is that only for when you flash a new rom? Should I wait until after I've rooted to move apps to sd or can/should I do that 1st? Other than increasing the amount of storage space on my phone, what advantage is there to moving apps to sd anyway? (There seems to be some confusion on this forum regarding disk space ((aka phone memory)) vs actual ram). Does this phone use free disk space as virtual memory?

I'm not really looking to supercharge my phone (I don't use it to play games or anything), I would just like to increase performance and not have to do a battery pull every time I try to launch 2 apps.

I know that was a lot to ask in one thread, but i wanted to consolidate instead of starting a bunch of new ones. I've also tried to research this stuff, but just got more confused.

Sorry for the wait, I forgot I had another class today haha.
I'll try to keep this short and simple.
You should root for a variety of reasons, but the biggest one for me personally is the speed bonus. My phone is three times the stock speed easily and still isn't close to being the best Transform out there. Another reason is because unlike stock people, we actually have support. If something goes awry, there's a dev out there who can fix it.
As for recovery, it's all a matter of preference. I started out with Vampirefo's recovery, and recently moved on to the ClockworkMod. I prefer it, although it did make my phone go slightly slower.
Kernel is the same thing, all a matter of preference. My personal favorites are the Undervolted ones such as Vampirefo's and couga's Puma v2 kernel. But there are other ones out that are great as well such as crUD kernel (included in Ubuntdroid) and most of vampirefo's. You can get kernel's that'll make your phone faster (overclocked) or based on battery life (undervolted) or a mixture of the two. Whatever you want. Also, none disable the front facing camera any more!
Rooting will wipe your phone, not your SD card. As will installing some (but not all) ROMs.
I've never moved my apps to SD, so I can't tell you. You might not want to though, because some apps make ROMs go awry if they aren't freshly installed. (Unconfirmed by myself personally, but I've heard stories)
If you have a higher class SD card (stock is a class 2, but can go up to a class 10) Apps2SD is faster than on the phone.
This phone does not use disk space as ram.

I'd be glad to provide links to everything you need and my personal setup
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I've never moved my apps to SD, so I can't tell you. You might not want to though, because some apps make ROMs go awry if they aren't freshly installed. (Unconfirmed by myself personally, but I've heard stories)
If you have a higher class SD card (stock is a class 2, but can go up to a class 10) Apps2SD is faster than on the phone.

I'm waiting on a Transcend 8GB Class 6 card from new egg:
Newegg.com - Transcend 8GB Micro SDHC Flash Card Model TS8GUSDHC6
That should be plenty fast enough for this phone and more than enough free space. From what I've researched today, it would be better for me to uninstall an app and then re-install it fresh to the SD instead of moving it.

Still not sure about the whole rooting thing, however. I use my phone mainly for calling and texting with the occasional web browsing. It's just after launching a bunch of apps the phone slows down or locks up forcing me to pull the battery. I'll see how it goes after the new sd card. I did find (and delete) an inconspicuous battery widget that I think was hogging resources. I replaced it with the Beautiful Widgets battery widget.
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so if I understand this correctly, I can leave the stock android 2.2 update alone, and simply add a kernel (however that's done) to either:
improve speed, or improve battery?

am I understanding that correctly? Or do I need to use a port to also use a kernel to root the phone?

if I have anything wrong, can someone re-explain the misunderstanding. if I have it right, please link me to where I can go do the best kernel for battery life/undercurrent, and the best kernel for speed/over-clocking.

Thank you so much! :eek:
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so if I understand this correctly, I can leave the stock android 2.2 update alone, and simply add a kernel (however that's done) to either:
improve speed, or improve battery?

am I understanding that correctly? Or do I need to use a port to also use a kernel to root the phone?

I'm trying to understand the same thing. On one hand, I'm reading flashing just a kernel will wipe my phone, meaning I have to re-flash stock Froyo (or other) and re-install all my apps. On the other hand, I'm reading flashing just a kernel (without a rom) will leave everything on my phone including my apps.

Also, is the only advantage to moving apps to the sd card just the ability to dl tons of apps?
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I want to make sure I understand the process (I apologize for my ignorance)
1. Root phone
2. Install recovery program
3. Flash new Kernel
4. Flash new ROM like stock Froyo or Vanilla Froyo
5. Reinstall apps and programs from Recovery
I'm a person that need to understand the process before I do something I just can't follow steps without understand what I'm doing... Thank you..
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I want to make sure I understand the process (I apologize for my ignorance)
1. Root phone
2. Install recovery program
3. Flash new Kernel
4. Flash new ROM like stock Froyo or Vanilla Froyo
5. Reinstall apps and programs from Recovery
I'm a person that need to understand the process before I do something I just can't follow steps without understand what I'm doing... Thank you..
Just hoping someone answers his question so I can have the OK too. Also, to have the best of both worlds(speed and stability), do we have to Flash 2 different kernels or are there kernels that are all-in-one packs? Is there a preferred rooting method? I see the SuperOneClick method isn't talked about much here but I've heard of that one. Sorry just trying to figure this out but love the challenge:) Thanks in advance O Wise Ones
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You see, you have it backwards.
1. Install custom recovery.
2. Flash kernel (this gives your phone root).
3. Flash new rom
4. Reinstall apps/data.
SuperOneClick doesn't work for our phones, last I checked.

Allow me to try and simplify it so you know exactly what you're doing.
Add custom recovery with SWUpdater.
Flash kernel for root access + unervolting etc.
ROMs add other custom things and improve performance. Such as faster/better drivers etc.
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You see, you have it backwards.
1. Install custom recovery.
2. Flash kernel (this gives your phone root).
3. Flash new rom
4. Reinstall apps/data.
SuperOneClick doesn't work for our phones, last I checked.

Allow me to try and simplify it so you know exactly what you're doing.
Add custom recovery with SWUpdater.
Flash kernel for root access + unervolting etc.
ROMs add other custom things and improve performance. Such as faster/better drivers etc.

Ok great... I just have one more favor to ask can either you copper271 or the droid... could you back down the direction into section like the list above so I know what each process is doing.. If possible I think it would make those who are a lil apperhensive feel better and maybe cut down on the questions... Thanks
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You see, you have it backwards.
1. Install custom recovery.
2. Flash kernel (this gives your phone root).
3. Flash new rom
4. Reinstall apps/data.
SuperOneClick doesn't work for our phones, last I checked.

Allow me to try and simplify it so you know exactly what you're doing.
Add custom recovery with SWUpdater.
Flash kernel for root access + unervolting etc.
ROMs add other custom things and improve performance. Such as faster/better drivers etc.

Re: Step 3. Flash new rom

Do I still have to flash a rom even if I'm keeping stock Froyo?
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I'm waiting on a Transcend 8GB Class 6 card from new egg:
Newegg.com - Transcend 8GB Micro SDHC Flash Card Model TS8GUSDHC6
That should be plenty fast enough for this phone and more than enough free space. From what I've researched today, it would be better for me to uninstall an app and then re-install it fresh to the SD instead of moving it.


Just got my card and copied all my files onto it. Haven't moved any apps to disk yet. BUT, I may just be imagining this, it seems my phone is actually faster and more responsive now. I can switch for app to app without any kind of lag or lock-up.
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