I have an old Samsung Note 8 and am recovering from a painful accidental factory reset.
I have utilized and am progressing with ~partial~ backups from Samsung, Google, and Xfinity and have re-installed many apps from the Play Store.
I have an SD card that I have a great deal of data on.
Before the reset, I used App Manager III to clear caches and move as many of 250 apps to the SD card as I could, even "unmovable" ones.
Before I trash what progress I've made by manually and semi-automatically restoring my device, I am here to ask expert advice.
I am occasionally seeing a message saying 'ready to transfer media files'. I have no idea about the implications, or what that does.
Using MyFiles I can see the contents of the card.
The first folder on the card is titled Android. Its subfolders are data, media, and obb.
Inside the data folder are 571 items, almost all beginning with ""
The other two Android folders are similar with the com. prefix, although with many fewer files.
The Documents folder has, of course, documents, as well as some .SPD files created by Samsung Notes, some of which I am interested in.
There are others like .PDF, .TXT, .DOCX, M3U...etc.
--and folders like--
DCIM/Camera (2031 items),Facebook, From Phone, Screenshots
Download (641 items)
Visual VoiceMail
Music (3333 items), System Volume Information (1 item),
Perhaps obviously, I don't want to corrupt anything, and yet I'd like to restore what I can.
I also want to begin moving apps out of internal memory and back over to the card.
I promise I'll be more diligent about backups.
Thanks in advance for your helpful advice.
PS: Since startups were taking SO long, I disabled the Secure Startup, and have not seen the 'ready to transfer media files' on a couple of startups. I'm not sure if that notification will return or not.
I have an old Samsung Note 8 and am recovering from a painful accidental factory reset.
I have utilized and am progressing with ~partial~ backups from Samsung, Google, and Xfinity and have re-installed many apps from the Play Store.
I have an SD card that I have a great deal of data on.
Before the reset, I used App Manager III to clear caches and move as many of 250 apps to the SD card as I could, even "unmovable" ones.
Before I trash what progress I've made by manually and semi-automatically restoring my device, I am here to ask expert advice.
I am occasionally seeing a message saying 'ready to transfer media files'. I have no idea about the implications, or what that does.
Using MyFiles I can see the contents of the card.
The first folder on the card is titled Android. Its subfolders are data, media, and obb.
Inside the data folder are 571 items, almost all beginning with ""
The other two Android folders are similar with the com. prefix, although with many fewer files.
The Documents folder has, of course, documents, as well as some .SPD files created by Samsung Notes, some of which I am interested in.
There are others like .PDF, .TXT, .DOCX, M3U...etc.
--and folders like--
DCIM/Camera (2031 items),Facebook, From Phone, Screenshots
Download (641 items)
Visual VoiceMail
Music (3333 items), System Volume Information (1 item),
Perhaps obviously, I don't want to corrupt anything, and yet I'd like to restore what I can.
I also want to begin moving apps out of internal memory and back over to the card.
I promise I'll be more diligent about backups.
Thanks in advance for your helpful advice.
PS: Since startups were taking SO long, I disabled the Secure Startup, and have not seen the 'ready to transfer media files' on a couple of startups. I'm not sure if that notification will return or not.

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