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Help ok so you went to 2.1 and now can't find your paid apps...


Android Enthusiast
Mar 11, 2010
ok so i went to 2.1 and couldn't find some of my paid apps so heres what i did i flashed back to 1.5 rooted did a back up then took the back up and put it on my computer inside the backup there are 2 files app and private app inside there you will find the apk and zip files the both need to be put onto the the sd card for the app to work.
If you can't find the apps in the app store after the upgrade, it's likely that the app isn't listed because it doesn't work quite right with 2.1.

If you install from the backed up .apk files, keep this in mind if you start seeing problems. By installing them manually, you may find out exactly why the app isn't in the app store yet with 2.1.

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