Phone info:
Android 6.0.1
Kernel 3.10.61
Build Number MMB29K.N920VV
I continue to have shut down issues, app has stopped working, reboots. I factory reset last night and after that I have an !...and the android guy is laying in his side under it. This happened on my last phone so I was given a replacement. I obviously have a corrupt file that is causing it. Any idea how to truly get back to factory wiped and fresh start with a happy android guy?
Android 6.0.1
Kernel 3.10.61
Build Number MMB29K.N920VV
I continue to have shut down issues, app has stopped working, reboots. I factory reset last night and after that I have an !...and the android guy is laying in his side under it. This happened on my last phone so I was given a replacement. I obviously have a corrupt file that is causing it. Any idea how to truly get back to factory wiped and fresh start with a happy android guy?