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Help Operation not permitted


Hey folks. I've got a stock Avail 2 I'm trying to dump the ROM on, and was flowing the instructions here: How To Backup Your Android Phone’s Boot, Recovery And System Partition Images

I have ADB working, I can talk to the device, do shell commands, etc. I've rooted the phone, and root checker does show that it is rooted, also have also installed Super User on the phone.

I tried pushing romdump to /data/local, but got this:

jims-mac-pro:AndroidSDK wright$ ./adb push romdump /data/local
failed to copy 'romdump' to '/data/local/romdump': Permission denied

So I tried ADB shell, I could do a cd /data/local, but if I tried an ls, I received a Permission Denied.

Eventually, I pushed romdump to /sdcard, but when I tried to chmod it, I received Operation Not Permitted.

Abandoning ADB, I installed Super Terminal, and ran into the same issues running the commands locally. I even tried doing an SU to start my terminal session, didn't help.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Anyone run into this on a Stock ROM?
is the phone rooted

As I said, yes.

I've just restored the phone to factory defaults, and ran through this all again.

Root Checker on the phone reports that I have root access. From ADB, though, it is another story:

jims-mac-pro:AndroidSDK wright$ ./adb remount
remount failed: Operation not permitted
jims-mac-pro:AndroidSDK wright$ ./adb root
adbd cannot run as root in production builds
jims-mac-pro:AndroidSDK wright$

I haven't tried installing the terminal app again, but I'm sure I'll have the same issue still with root still being denied some access.

I did not have this issue using the Azazel rom. I believe that there are some permissions that are being set on the stock rom that were not present on this other rom, I'm not sure at this point how to get around this.

Does anyone have ADB working fully on the stock rom?
OK, figured out my problem. The default.prop file is set to keep the system from being modified, even if rooted:

shell@android:/ # cat default.prop

No way to edit this file, the system is read only, and no way to change it to r/w. The two lines that need changed are ro.secure=0, and ro.debuggable=1, which I think may actually be the defaults otherwise.

So far the only hints I've read are the extract the rom, modify it, and write it back, which doesn't help, since my whole point here is the extract the rom to begin with. LOL

Back to google...
Didn't want to go this route, but couldn't find an easier way... I installed the Clockworkmod Recovery software, which lets me mack a backup of the ROM. Used the thread here: http://androidforums.com/avail-2-all-things-root/794332-clockworkmod-recovery-6-0-3-7-a.html

I reversed the steps and used the dd command to make a backup of my original recovery.img before starting out:

dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p17 of=/storage/sdcard0/recovery_stock.img

Feeling confident, I went ahead with the CWM Recovery install, from there was able to back up the ROM. I'm creating a new thread for that to keep things clear here. My only problem is that there was no META-INF folder, and I'm not sure about copying one from another ROM. I'm not finding any clear information on how to obtain this from a stock ROM, or if that is even an option.
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