As a previous owner of the Optimus V, I had a great experience with this little phone. I now own the Motorola Triumph because I wanted the bigger screen (4.1 inches). Some people have experienced issues with the Motorola Triumph such as GPS issues, screen flickering, sudden reboots. I have not experienced any of these issues with the Triumph. The Optimus V is a great beginner Android device if your new to the Android world. The downside to the Optimus V it is slower (600Mhz CPU) but does have a dedicated GPU so you can play some lower end games such as Angrybirds. I believe the Optimus V sports the Adreno 200 GPU. The Triumph is very fast and snappy as it runs on the 1Ghz Snapdraggon processor codenamed "Scropion." It also has a dedicated GPU (Adreno 205) with 512MB of RAM. As far as storage the Triumph also has 2GB on board but about 45% of this storage is used from the bloatware and Android software, but also has the 2GB SD card as well. The Triumph is rootable and very very hard to brick if your a first time rooter. Personally I haven't rooted the Triumph but have rooted other phones in the past. The downside to the Triumph is that it is running Android 2.2 Froyo which should have 2.3 in my opinion. As far as an update to 2.3 or 4.0 ICS no one knows as Motorola has done a very good job keeping its Triumph users in the dark on this issue. Even the Optimus V from LG is suppose to be getting a 2.3 update as it is currently running on 2.2 but the timing of this update is unknown. The screen quality on the Optimus V and the Triumph are like night and day. The Optimus V has a lower resolution the Triumph has a very bright and clear high resolution display. To me both are great phones, I've had a postive experience with the Triumph no lock ups or crashes nor GPS issues mine seems to lock on pretty quick. I believe the older Triumphs that first came out had some issues but some how made there way to store shelves without a quality check. Hope this helps.