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Orange Clock in Messaging window?


I tried searching around, but didn't find an answer.

One of my contacts in the Messaging window has a little orange clock next to their name.

What does this mean?

It's been there for days, and since then, I've been able to send/receive messages from them.

Anyone have any idea?
Are you logged in to Google Talk? My contacts with Google Talk show their status (away, available, idle) on my phone.
Sorry to dig up this old thread. I thought it would be helpful as this is the first search result that came up when I searched for "orange clock android messaging". It appears that linked Skype contact statuses also appear in the messages list.
Very annoying and obtrusive of Microsoft to do this. These clocks just popped up last night. Is the only way to get rid of them to de-link someone from being a Skype contact? That makes Skype less useful, but if it is the only way...
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