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How many acronyms can I use in the title of my thread?
My almost husband and I don't feel like we're in a good enough place financially to go ahead and commit to what he really wants - satellite - for the upcoming football season. We currently entertain ourselves primarily through Xbox/Netflix, but we both agree we'd watch more OTA TV if we had DVR capabilities. Plus, his current work schedule has him putting in his full 40 over the weekend, meaning he will miss a lot of the games we can get OTA if we don't have a way to record them (and the VCR isn't a realistic option).
So, can anyone recommend a standalone DVR option? While I'd eventually like to do up a nice media center PC, I'm not there yet, and my only desktop PC is dedicated to another purpose in the basement, so adding a tuner to one of those computers isn't what I'm looking to do. The two most likely looking options I've found thus far are the Channel Master ($300; more than I really want to spend; Amazon.com: Channel Master CM-7000PAL Digital Video Recorder, Black: Electronics) or a Magnavox (http://www.amazon.com/MAGNAVOX-MDR513H-F7-Recorder-Digital/dp/B003DPKOKK/ref=pd_sxp_grid_pt_0_0 ) . Anyone have any suggestions? The Magnvox is more in line with what I wanted to spend, but the Channel Master has great reviews.
My almost husband and I don't feel like we're in a good enough place financially to go ahead and commit to what he really wants - satellite - for the upcoming football season. We currently entertain ourselves primarily through Xbox/Netflix, but we both agree we'd watch more OTA TV if we had DVR capabilities. Plus, his current work schedule has him putting in his full 40 over the weekend, meaning he will miss a lot of the games we can get OTA if we don't have a way to record them (and the VCR isn't a realistic option).
So, can anyone recommend a standalone DVR option? While I'd eventually like to do up a nice media center PC, I'm not there yet, and my only desktop PC is dedicated to another purpose in the basement, so adding a tuner to one of those computers isn't what I'm looking to do. The two most likely looking options I've found thus far are the Channel Master ($300; more than I really want to spend; Amazon.com: Channel Master CM-7000PAL Digital Video Recorder, Black: Electronics) or a Magnavox (http://www.amazon.com/MAGNAVOX-MDR513H-F7-Recorder-Digital/dp/B003DPKOKK/ref=pd_sxp_grid_pt_0_0 ) . Anyone have any suggestions? The Magnvox is more in line with what I wanted to spend, but the Channel Master has great reviews.