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OUD HitSquad Manager


Android Enthusiast
I'm writing an app to help manage the different install processes of these phones. Most phones have a custom recovery image but the install of them varies greatly. I'm trying to make a simple way of supporting everyone (after ICS i guess. Sorry)

The app doesn't look great but it works. If anyone has the knowlege let me know. i need some help with UI design. but as far as functionality goes its pretty slick.

A list of devices is stored server side and the app downloads information about the device and then applies a downloaded image when supported. biggest problem is creating the list of devices.

so far i have support for the LGE f6mt, fx3q, fx3, and of course nexus devices. (im a huge nexus fan, and a n5 is my daily so all testing as of yet was done on this device)

if you would like to help respond here. but simply all i need is:
the value of ro.product.name
a recovery image
and the install location of your devices recovery (like /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery)

also feature requests are welcome, but although im pretty good with java, i dont know the entire android sdk so any help is accepted.

the app is and will always be free, but depending on popularity, i may add adds in and charge for a add free version or something.

(this is only if i need to upgrade my hosting server, right now i run with the free tier of JMZhosting, and i have about 80 of my 200 gigs filled.)

anyway here is the link. Google Play Official!

I always need beta testers and new device managers. But please dont PM me. hop onto irc, or email me or even get at me on Hangouts.
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