Not sure exactly what types of patches you are referring to, but I'll give you my best shot.
If you are referring to apps downloaded from the Play Store, or Amazon AppStore, they each have a spot to see your currently installed apps. In that section, they show which ones are in need of an update.
If you are referring to OS patches, they come from either the manufacturer or the carrier. In your phone's 'Settings' menu, there should be a place to check for updates. It may be it's own section, or it may be under 'Phone Info.'
I hope this helps! If not, there are two avenues: You can re-submit your question with additional info the same way you submitted this one, or you can join the forums for a better back and forth exchange of info.
A good place to start for software updates for your device is your carrier's website. They have a support section that should list all of the available software upgrades available for your phone, along with complete instructions for downloading and installing the updates.
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