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PDAnet Bluetooth Tether: Only some apps think I'm online, not others?


Aug 30, 2012
Hello! Interesting question here, I hope. I have a little Tracfone I use to get on the 3G network and make phone calls, text etc. Then, I have a Motorola Photon Q as my "main" phone, which I use to surf the web, IM, play games, all that good stuff. The thing is, the Photon Q doesn't have a cell connection- it's a Sprint phone and I'm sure not paying Sprint prices. ;)

So, I keep my Tracfone with me running PDANet+ with a Bluetooth tethering server. The Photon Q runs ICS and uses PDANet Tablet to connect to the server and get online. This works great and is very fast, but it only works in some programs. For example:

- Chrome can surf the net perfectly, but if you try to download a file of any sort, Android's built-in downloader pops up saying "Download needs a network connection" or somesuch.
- Browser works, but every time you load a page it pops up a dialog that there is no network connection. (Wow, it must be confused.)
- Google Framework can't connect, so I can't set up my Google accounts.
- IM+ can't connect.
- "Sprint Zone" can connect and check for updates, but can't download the updates. (Not a problem, I don't need them, this is just an example.)
- Sonic 4 Part II can't connect to download its content, Words Free can't connect to play games online.
- Opera can connect and I can download files, because it has an internal download manager.
- To get around the Android download manager thinking it's offline, I installed a couple DL managers and an app to intercept the downloads. It does intercept, but the download managers can't connect through this connection.

Does anyone have ideas on how to convince the OS or apps that I AM online, since that is certainly the case? I tried using ProxyDroid and Orbot, with no luck. Thanks for any help!


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