Here I am without power, on generator, no Internet and no TV. I've had 3G on the Droid all day, then I remembered that I downloaded pdanet from june fabrics. I used it years ago on my Treo so I decided to try again with the 64 bit version on my windows 7.
With this software you have to follow the instructions explicitly. Disconnect the phone from PC when told etc. It takes about 5 minutes then bingo, my notebook is connected to the 3G Internet using my Droid connected by USB. It supposedly works with bluetooth also.
June Fabrics PDA Technology Group
PdaNet is highly recommended for those in need of a tether.
With this software you have to follow the instructions explicitly. Disconnect the phone from PC when told etc. It takes about 5 minutes then bingo, my notebook is connected to the 3G Internet using my Droid connected by USB. It supposedly works with bluetooth also.
June Fabrics PDA Technology Group
PdaNet is highly recommended for those in need of a tether.