Since my birthday is around the corner and my contract was up around May, I've started to look into the available options for a new phone. Currently I have a Droid X and have been moderately happy for it except for the random power downs and a few other minor issues. I'm happy with Verizon also because it simply offers the most reliable coverage in my area and everywhere I've traveled. I've looked into the Razr Maxx, which seems like a pretty good option but wondered if there was anything else that could be a viable option coming out later in the summer to around Christmas time. I'm not really fired up about some of the behemoth phones being put out today with massive screens because I generally put an Otterbox on due to my high drop rate frequency :hmpf:. My X with a 4.3 inch screen is a decent size, but something slightly bigger wouldn't be terrible I don't think. Anyways, I appreciate any assistance and look forward to your answers.