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Phone constantly restarts (more details below)

I have an issue with my refurbished (well... Sorta) phone. My mother (while she had owned it) downloaded an application off a random website (Like do you know when you are browsing a site and an ad pops up saying "you have a virus!" Or something like that? Yeah. One of those) that have to do with the battery. After factory resetting the phone (and it given to me), the issue spiked up after a couple hours. If it was a hardware issue, my mother would have been experiencing the issue in the beginning. Its a software thing, and Iam positive its from this application. Here's the issue. My phone will turn off and do one of two things.
1. Turn off as like it crashed, then restart repeatedly until I take out the battery or put it on charge.
1a. When I charge it, sometimes it says a higher percentage then what it originally was.
2. No matter what percent it was on, it will say the phone is dead and it recommends charging.
2a. Same issue with charging, but its worse. Sometimes saying its 10 or below when originally it was 50+%.
I know its malware, its not a third party application I have installed. The only potential cause would be the suspicious app my mother installed.
Also, when it turns off and then repeat restarts, or says the phone is dead, the screen is covered in horizontal black lines (big black lines too, like 3-4 appear and covers most of the screen. Like probably 9.95/10 of the screen)

If you made it this far, congratulations! It gets even MORE convoluted!
What I have done to SOLVE this malware issue:
1. Installed "Stubborn Trojan Remover" by Cheetah Mobile (don't lecture me about the data miners, I was desperate). After scanning, it said there was one suspicious application. It was called (Could be wrong, but I know Iam close) "Ema_Agent.APK". It was removed. I then cleared all cache (in settings and in boot mode with the command "wipe cache partition")
2. I activated Safe Mode and peered into my applications. There was this one (unclear about the name) that was a 12 kilobyte application. Suspicious of it (I mean come on its 12 kilobyte and its 2018 like come on), I deleted it. Again, I cleared cache in the same process as the 1st attempt.
Unfortunately, none of these attempts work. I have now been forced to turn to a forum. I need help. There is something Iam not getting right here. Please and thank you.

Stupid answer preventer!
1. My mother took great care of the phone (so have I) so its not a hardware issue.
2. This application that potientially caused this problem is deleted. Like long gone, Dont lecture me saying 'DELETE THE APPLICATION' and such.
3. Yes, seriously. The application is gone but the problem is still here. The problem survived a factor reset, isn't that lovely.

Edit: also it power drains
Was that phone rooted? If an app is uninstalled, then whatever problem it created wouldn't remain. And there's no chance of it to remain when you made a factory reset. Unless your phone is rooted.

Also, I have never heard of an app that can shut down a phone or create battery errors with a non rooted device.

Have you just checked if it's a battery calibration error? Because your phone shows exactly those symptoms.

I understand that you have taken a lot of care of this phone. But battery calibration is like a maintenance thing... Not necessarily an issue...
Was that phone rooted? If an app is uninstalled, then whatever problem it created wouldn't remain. And there's no chance of it to remain when you made a factory reset. Unless your phone is rooted.

Also, I have never heard of an app that can shut down a phone or create battery errors with a non rooted device.

Have you just checked if it's a battery calibration error? Because your phone shows exactly those symptoms.

I understand that you have taken a lot of care of this phone. But battery calibration is like a maintenance thing... Not necessarily an issue...

Battery Calibration? Hmm. Let me look into it. Would you recommend any steps in proper trouble shooting? I mean not be needy, but I certainly don't want to screw it up more than what it already is.
Battery Calibration? Hmm. Let me look into it. Would you recommend any steps in proper trouble shooting? I mean not be needy, but I certainly don't want to screw it up more than what it already is.
1. Discharge your phone fully until it turns itself off.

2. Turn it on again and let it turn itself off.

3. Plug your phone into a charger and, without turning it on, let it charge until the on-screen or LED indicator says 100 percent.

4. Unplug your charger.

5. Turn your phone on. It's likely that the battery indicator won't say 100 percent, so plug the charger back in (leave your phone on) and continue charging until it says 100 percent on-screen as well.

6. Unplug your phone and restart it. If it doesn't say 100 percent, plug the charger back in until it says 100 percent on screen.

7. Repeat this cycle until it says 100 percent (or as close as you think it's going to get) when you start it up without it being plugged in.

8. Now, let your battery discharge all the way down to 0 percent and let your phone turn off again.

9. Fully charge the battery one more time without interruption and you should have reset the Android system's battery percentage.

. If it was a hardware issue, my mother would have been experiencing the issue in the beginning.

The thing about hardware breaking...is it works fine until it breaks... and thats when it stops working properly.

Its NOT about how well you looked after it, or anything on there. Sometimes motherboards fail... which is why phones come with a warranty (which obviously has expired in your case)

As mentioned above, the battery is the obvious solution, and is worth a punt as you stand a reasonable chance of it being that....

It really doesn't sound like a software issue.... especially after its been factory reset (and there's no evidence to suggest the phone was rooted)

I mean, you can carry on spending your time looking for software related issues.... but if after a hard reset and no applications being installed you're no further forward, then .....................
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