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Help phone contacts-cant add date-of-birth field??


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2010
OK so my contacts are on gmail and synced onto my phone.

Some of the gmail contacts have date of birth/birthday info. However in the phone contacts i cant add the date of birth/birthday field to view this info on the phone.

Sometimes i need to check the date of birth of family when asked for ID etc.

Yes the birthdays are synced on the calender, but i want them in the contacts too so i can just check quickly, instead of going through months.

is their any way round this?
OK so my contacts are on gmail and synced onto my phone.

Some of the gmail contacts have date of birth/birthday info. However in the phone contacts i cant add the date of birth/birthday field to view this info on the phone.

Sometimes i need to check the date of birth of family when asked for ID etc.

Yes the birthdays are synced on the calender, but i want them in the contacts too so i can just check quickly, instead of going through months.

is their any way round this?

Under Contacts on the phone, there is no field for date of birth.

So you want to add a stat for a field that doesn't exist?

Maybe retype that information into the Others field.

Or search the app store for another app. Using the default contacts app, they don't have a field for date of birth.
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