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Help Phone encryption error

I bought my Galaxy S7 Edge the first couple days that it came out. I recently purchased a 64 gigabyte Samsung micro SD card class 10 brand new for the phone. Yesterday I downloaded all my photos that have been backed up on Google using takeout. And before this I was using an older class 4 8 gigabyte SanDisk card that I had encrypted and unencrypted a couple times so that I could share files from my computer had no problems with it. At this time my phone was running Android 6.0.0 Marshmallow I belive. That night I received a notification for an update so I accepted it. When I got my new SD card I transferred all the files over using my computer. After that was done I figured having two thousand plus photos on the SD card I should encrypt it. Halfway through the encryption I noticed some problems when I had left it my phone stated that it was 87% complete with the encryption when I came back it stated that it was only 32% complete I thought no big deal of it at the time. When it had stated that it was done with the encryption I went to the file manager on my phone and it didn't show that there was an SD card in when I went to my phone storage settings it showed there was an SD card in but it would not give any other info it only said ready. So I took it out put it back in restarted the phone and nothing I also have my phone set where when my phone turns off and back on you have to enter a code to decrypt the device for some reason the decryption process only took about 20 seconds when before with my SD card encrypted it took about a minute or two. I pluged the SD card into my computer it showed up there were files but whenever I clicked on the files it would say that the photo format is unable to be read. From my understanding I would not be able to see that there were even any files on the SD card because of the encryption I would only be able to delete its contents not view them. So I put the SD card back in my phone and restarted it and in the notification bar it said encrypting sd card it would do this before with the old SD card for a few seconds after restarting the phone but it had this notification for over an hour. And nothing has changed. When I went to the security settings and to encryption it gave me the option to encrypt the SD card which supposedly was already encrypted when I hit encryption it would show checking SD card but nothing else would happen if I turned off my screen or went to another app and I came back it would present me with the option to encrypt or decrypt again as though it had cancelled the checking SD card process. So this time I tried decrypt and it took a matter of seconds of it " checking SD card" then it would show 0 megabytes out of 0 megabytes decrypted. And it would finish saying the decryption process was done and I would be able to view the files on my phone like on the computer except it would not show the photos it would just have the code that they were named by it would say file format unreadable. I've been transferred all of my photos and files onto the computer in plug the SD card back in the phone and attempted to encrypt it while it was empty which it would again say checking SD card no matter how long I let it run. I also tried putting another SD card 4 gigabyte class 4 into the phone with files on it and encrypt it and it would go through the same process that it did with the 64 gigabyte. It's really frustrating because my phone works perfectly fine and then it got the update for Android 6.0.1 and and now all the problems have started. The encryption process basically corrupted all my files which I still have backed up on Google so it's not that big a deal but now I can't protect my SD card if my phone was to get stollen. My phone is brand new running Android and It has not been rooted. Is there anyway I can fix this am I the only one having this problem or do I need to wait for the next update?


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I went thru the same situation as u this morning. SD card worked fine when I decided to give my S7 a reboot refresher. Suddenly I got the encrypting notification u talked about. It was as if the SD card wasn't mounted, just saying ready. After trying anything and everything, I rebooted into the stock recovery to see if the recovery saw my SD card. It did. Then after rebooting I set my lockscreen security to none and kept the fingerprint data. I then rebooted again and got the decrypt/encrypt dialogue. I chose encrypt and miraculously it completed it and I was able to see that the SD card was mounted. I'm a bit nervous now if I ever need to reboot my phone.
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