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Help phone wonky since update


Jul 7, 2011
I have been having a bunch of weird things happening since the update (did it last week).
-Google play store thinks background data is off (it isn't)
-Can't use speech to text
-Something is running in the background phone is always hot and my extended life battery is draining in 3-4 hours, with no usage at all.
-Apps have been opening by themselves. I was just listening to an audiobook and simultaneously, it called my husband, tried to text my son, opened facebook, and opened one other app (I forget which)
-When I go to to open it, I will have to back out of 4-5 screens, none of which I opened or used.

I am not rooted, and am a light user
This won't help you much, but I have noticed my phone just being plain slow. Also, had it make a few phones calls that I did not make... just randomly dialed people from my recent call list. Phone won't read my SD card anymore. Thought I lost my pictures, but put it in the computer and they are there. Now, I can't take pictures because it wont save them.
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