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Android Expert
Oct 10, 2010
I used to upload pics directly to Picasa from my android device, but now it says "account not found". This only started after I signed upon Google+. So now I have to work around it by uploading to Google+ and then moving the photos into my Picasa Web albums while on a PC. Is that the way it is or is it something I'm doing? It's the same deal on my S2 or my tablet. Weird stuff.

Edit: can anyone who has a Google + account confirm that they can or cannot upload a photo to Picasa directly? Thanks.
Yes, I am on Google+ and it is installed on the same device that I used to do the Picasa upload from the Gallery app.

Thanks again for the reply. I searched this out and it is evidently a widespread issue but not affecting everyone. I never had this problem until I got a refurbished S2 to replace my original S2 which never had a problem. O well..life moves on..but a little bit of a hassle to have an android device that won't even upload photos another google product such as picasa web albums
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