Hello. I'm new to this forum and am getting used to the way everything works here. I have a HTC thunderbolt and want to pick some security apps. To be exact I'm interested in the apps can do a remote wipe in the event the phone is stolen or lost. The app I read the most about is android lost. The thing is the app wants aall kinds of permissions and I'm not sure it need what it wants. To be precise: system tools, my location, personal information, phone calls and messages.
The app is supposed to remotely wipe the phone, allow me to locate the phone, lock the phone, set off an alarm and a host of other nifty things. The app has a high rating and solid web site but I'm concerned about all the personal permission it wants. So my question is am I being paranoid and dim or is this really a great app?
The app is supposed to remotely wipe the phone, allow me to locate the phone, lock the phone, set off an alarm and a host of other nifty things. The app has a high rating and solid web site but I'm concerned about all the personal permission it wants. So my question is am I being paranoid and dim or is this really a great app?