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Help PIN/Pattern Screen Security Issue


Android Question

I would definitely appreciate any help that can be provided with this - and I'm sure others have had my issue or something similar, but I wasn't able to find any existing apps or settings fixes that might solve the problem completely.

So, I work for a company who has a fleet of vehicles.

These vehicles use android tablets to facilitate our management software, and we use an application locker called AppLock to keep them from doing things like spoofing gps, uninstalling stuff, installing stuff and using data we didn't account for, etc.

Sometimes we have to help them with their devices, but it's a real pain because there's often a language barrier.

Most of the time, someone has to come in-person and fix the problem, which usually involves some very basic fixes like re-enabling GPS, that sort of thing.

We have a remote support software platform we are considering making use of fleet-wide, which would mean that anyone could help the driver fix his tablet [short of hardware problems or airplane mode] by just essentially screensharing and using the mouse to control it instead of a finger.

This would enable our normal phone reps to help them, without calling higher up staff at 2am, and without them needing to drive anywhere.

The issue is that when typing in a PIN, the numbers light up, which would effectively give away the PIN and make the lock pointless.

The lock software DOES have a Pattern Lock mode, where it can disable the lines, but there's two issues there:

  • It always shows lines on a failure
  • It sometimes shows lines on a normal draw as you're entering it, despite the 'show lines' option being turned off in the locking app.
If anyone knows a way to either:

  • Disable the buttons on the screen lighting up as you press them
  • Install something to always hide lines for both success and failure on the pattern lock screen
It would help me out tremendously at work.

System Specs[they all use same]:

  • Manufacturer: Samsung
  • Model: SM-T217T
  • OS: Android
  • Version: 4.2.2

  • I can't likely convince them to change app lockers. They are not technical and they are the ones installing, uninstalling, etc. all of these devices. [However, if that is the only way it can be done, and you know of an app locker that would resolve the problem, then I'm open to it]
  • I can't mod the OS [installed App mods are fine, I just can't install a custom OS or Root the devices, if that makes sense]


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