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Help Please HELP accessing pictures from semi-dead phone! :(


Dec 7, 2012

this is a rather sad post - sorry - but I have no idea where else to turn to.

The digitizer of my Nexus S died on me - more exactly, it is one "line" - but this line contains two of the digits I need to enter my PIN code. The "line" on the screen is just dead, so I cannot enter the two digits. The rest is working properly, the phone boots, recharges, etc.

Now the problem is, that on this phone, I have unique pictures of my late father which I absolutely must recover :/

The phone boots and shows the PIN entry screen, but I can only enter half of it due to the digitizer error... I cannot send it in because there are confidential emails on it from my company - plus, I would also be too afraid to receive a replacement instead of my phone with my beloved photos.

Is there any way I could use in my situation to somehow mount the device in Windows or Linux to get access to the pictures? If the phone is a goner afterwards, that does not matter at all... all I want is access to my photos :(

--- what I have tried:
When I plug it into USB AND hold it in landcape mode AND then go to emergency dial AND then enter some numbers AND then press the "back"button, it briefly switches into landscape mode but then immediately switches back. Maybe I would be able to enter the PIN in landscape mode - is there any way to force it to that?

You can see just how desperate I am, lots of ANDs up there... :(

Is there any way you can think of how I might be able to access my photos from the device?

I am really VERY grateful for every oh so tiny pointer of your help.
Thanks a million,
best regards,


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