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please help!!!


If someone(me!) wants to know about android OS ....WHAT SHOULD HE DO? could I get some information from this forum? totally confused...:p
I'm not sure what you are asking. do you want to know about Android as a whole (say as it compares to apple)?

If so you might want to read a little here:

Android (operating system) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Android.com - Android at Google I/O

Google Projects for Android

That should give you a pretty decent rundown of what Android is, what it is based on, and how it differs from one application to another. The rest you can learn here by simply reading around the forum - either that or you'll have a better understanding and will be able to ask more specific questions. good luck.
thanks,I will check these links. my main problem is windows mobile vs android...I wanted to buy Hd mini but I've heard android is future's OS yet do not know any of that. on the other hand they say there are multiple problems about android's applications,that these apps are incomplete and it takes time to be perfect...I am a GP and run medical softwares easily from windows mobile,but I don' know if they will work with android.
I hope I can find my answers soon;) thank you very muh
I see what you mean. Look at it this way, Windows mobile is being replaced by a new OS in the fall, so even if you stay with windows you might have to do a little learning of the new software, and who knows whether your current apps will translate to it (they probably will, but check with the developers first).

Android is an entirely different platform. in many ways it is more efficient and stable (and cleaner) than windows. However it lacks built in support for some of the corporate software that windows systems dominate. If you need to have your system integrated into an existing medical network, you might want to check with that system's administrators firs. It is quite likely that widows microsoft might be their prefered system.

Now as to android apps, the issue with them is not that they are unstable. the issue is that the android market is in some ways playing catch up to the apple App store. The app store has had 3 years to develop applications. in addition, apple's very stringent requirements essentially keep apps off the store until they are 100% ready for use and perfectly polished. The android market is much less restrictive (maybe it is a conscious decission to facilitate expansion?). App developers are able to upload beta versions of apps, and continue to develop them, through updates, with feedback from android users. in theory this leads to a better app and one that people want to use. The thing is that the android market has a ton of apps in beta stage, as well as a bunch of finished apps that occasionally get updates pushed to them. Who knows whether the apps you needs are even available for android. Lastly the Android market is set to recognize the version of android on your system and will only display those apps that have been determined to run on your particular version. you can get around that, but depending on what you download, the app might or might not work perfectly (or at all).

It sounds like you nee to do a little digging to see whether the specific applications you use for work are available for android or can be ported to it. If they are, then you would probably be better off buying a phone with the latest versions of Android and relatively high hardware specs (thus avoiding compatibility issues). Lastly, you need to find out whether android is supported by the network you need to access with your machine.

Do that or run a similar search for windows mobile 7 and microsoft's upcoming Kin products, which might be better suited to your needs.
first of all I'd like to thank you very much for your prompt and thorough answer.
unfortunately because of sanctions and limitations in my country,companies like HTC do not give us handsets using android. sony-ericson's Xperia X10 is the only android phone sold in our market! others do not have guarantees and are imported illegally.on the other hand you can find windows based handsets abundantly and easily. so almost no one knows about androids apps. for example we use MS office applications for most of our research programs that I am totally unaware if they work with android.
there for the only way for me to answer my questions is to explore websites and forums...I checked links you have mentioned but I could not enter the last two.it says access is forbidden and I don't know why! do you know why?!
P.S. I live in Iran
first of all I'd like to thank you very much for your prompt and thorough answer.
unfortunately because of sanctions and limitations in my country,companies like HTC do not give us handsets using android. sony-ericson's Xperia X10 is the only android phone sold in our market! others do not have guarantees and are imported illegally.on the other hand you can find windows based handsets abundantly and easily. so almost no one knows about androids apps. for example we use MS office applications for most of our research programs that I am totally unaware if they work with android.
there for the only way for me to answer my questions is to explore websites and forums...I checked links you have mentioned but I could not enter the last two.it says access is forbidden and I don't know why! do you know why?!
P.S. I live in Iran
No offense meant, but your country's political establishment severely restricts internet access. I'm guessing that android devices (with their completely open platforms) might make controlling access difficult, which might explain why they are not more widely available. I strongly suggest that you download Opera browser (the latest version - 10 I think) to your computer. Its Turbo feature should bypass many (if not all) of the regimes internet filters and allow you to access to those pesky sites they don't want you to access. If that one doesn't work for you try Maxthon, it should do the same. As I understand it you are basically accessing out country proxy servers to run your searches and get your information, so they are not subject to your local internet censorship. Good luck.
my country! my miserable country... I downloaded maxthon and it works! ok lets dig in and see if android will match my needs. again thank you so much dear isthmus;)
good luck
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