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Positioning Objects

Brian Berry

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2019
I have about 100 objects to a game I'm building. I tried to use a constraint layout which worked fine on my pixel 3 phone but was inconsistent on all other phones. So now I'm getting screen resolution and setting X and Y for each object which works great except as you know there are so many phones out there. Should I collect phones and continue getting resolution and manually set each element? Any insight into this subject would be greatly appreciated. How are UI consistently made?
Thanks for your reply maksim. I finally broke down and played with most aspects of the Android layout editor and figured stuff out. It was key for me to use constraint layout with a bunch of guideline helpers set to percentage and then configure each imageView Object and Text View within the XML to use a
app:layout_constraintDimensionRatio of 16:9 and app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf the guidlines. In the end it took me 6 days to learn to make a complex constraint layout. I now feel confident to take on any layout that will look good on multiple phones. Here is what the final constraint layout looks like. Its a blackjack game that I made to learn to make simple Android games.



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