I am a current customer US Cellular customer looking to possibly switch to Verizon or Sprint. To start, I am very happy with US Cellular. Great customer service, great coverage, great prices, and I can upgrade phones every 18 months, and as soon as 10 months with belief points for being a loyal customer. Which leads to my dislike, the phone selection isn't the greatest. USCC seems to get great phones at least 6 months after other carriers, and only has a select premium android phones. I have a couple questions for either provider:
1. How often can I upgrade my phone?
2. How is their coverage? (I live in central Illinois so any close feedback would be great)
3. How is their customer service?
4. Any other thoughts or comments?
I am not set on switching, just looking at other possibilities and comparing. Thankyou!
1. How often can I upgrade my phone?
2. How is their coverage? (I live in central Illinois so any close feedback would be great)
3. How is their customer service?
4. Any other thoughts or comments?
I am not set on switching, just looking at other possibilities and comparing. Thankyou!