So using my m9 which has been happily printing for a year. today after several prints it starts to tell me the above error.
I have cleared cache, cleared data, uninstalled, reinstalled, uninstalled, installed older version & still all i can get is
printer spooler has stopped unexpectedly
FFS - was working fine & very well for ages - but today i need it to work & only half of what i wanted printed out
has anyone got a successful fix for this problem - it appears to be common & i think i have followed the steps i've found & nothing :-(
I have cleared cache, cleared data, uninstalled, reinstalled, uninstalled, installed older version & still all i can get is
printer spooler has stopped unexpectedly
FFS - was working fine & very well for ages - but today i need it to work & only half of what i wanted printed out
has anyone got a successful fix for this problem - it appears to be common & i think i have followed the steps i've found & nothing :-(