Thought this'd be a good topic of discussion, as it manages to involves such a range of controversial subjects 
A website aimed at homosexual users has gone bankrupt; one of the few assets the business owns is a database of it's users details. This database looks set to be put up for sale.
If you were a user of this site, what you feel about this? What if a well funded right-wing/religious(yay another topic covered
)/homophobic individual or group were to buy the database?
I'd be interested to here what people think of this, especially from users of a website like this that holds YOUR details on it's database, and could provide them to anybody, with little you could practically do about it.
I was a member of a similar site, and had my details shared by a volunteer mod to another website (and who knows what else they did with my and other's details?!)

A website aimed at homosexual users has gone bankrupt; one of the few assets the business owns is a database of it's users details. This database looks set to be put up for sale.
If you were a user of this site, what you feel about this? What if a well funded right-wing/religious(yay another topic covered

I'd be interested to here what people think of this, especially from users of a website like this that holds YOUR details on it's database, and could provide them to anybody, with little you could practically do about it.
I was a member of a similar site, and had my details shared by a volunteer mod to another website (and who knows what else they did with my and other's details?!)