There are lots of privacy screens out there that will prevent people next to you from seeing what's on your screen (like this: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=lg+v10+privacy+screen). However, a common complaint is that the screens reduce the brightness, so you have to manually raise the brightness and waste battery.
Can anyone offer any recommendations for the best privacy screens that reduce brightness the least? If you have a privacy screen, can you tell me how much brighter you need to make the phone compared to without the screen (e.g. percent brightness change)? I know that's not easy to do, but I'd appreciate whatever information I can get.
Can anyone offer any recommendations for the best privacy screens that reduce brightness the least? If you have a privacy screen, can you tell me how much brighter you need to make the phone compared to without the screen (e.g. percent brightness change)? I know that's not easy to do, but I'd appreciate whatever information I can get.