My application uses AudioRecord to record streaming voice. On ANY OTHER Android device it initializes properly and works great, excluding Motorola Milestone, which force closes and the log shows:
01-17 14:08:41.124: DEBUG/AudioHardwareMot(1059): AudioMgr:AudioHardwareMot:
penInputStream enter
01-17 14:08:41.124: DEBUG/AudioHardwareMot(1059): AudioMgr:AudioStreamInMot::set(0xaf00, 40000, 1, 10, 8000)
01-17 14:08:41.124: ERROR/AudioRecord(2190): AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -22
01-17 14:08:41.124: ERROR/AudioRecord-JNI(2190): Error creating AudioRecord instance: initialization check failed.
01-17 14:08:41.124: ERROR/AudioRecord-Java(2190): [ ] Error code -20 when initializing native AudioRecord object.
Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't, and looking into the platform source code doesn't clarify it. It returns with BAD_VALUE error code. The code in AudioFlinger.cpp that does that:
The code that initializes AudioRecord:
Again, it works fine on any other device, including Droid.
Thanks for any help!
01-17 14:08:41.124: DEBUG/AudioHardwareMot(1059): AudioMgr:AudioHardwareMot:

01-17 14:08:41.124: DEBUG/AudioHardwareMot(1059): AudioMgr:AudioStreamInMot::set(0xaf00, 40000, 1, 10, 8000)
01-17 14:08:41.124: ERROR/AudioRecord(2190): AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -22
01-17 14:08:41.124: ERROR/AudioRecord-JNI(2190): Error creating AudioRecord instance: initialization check failed.
01-17 14:08:41.124: ERROR/AudioRecord-Java(2190): [ ] Error code -20 when initializing native AudioRecord object.
Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't, and looking into the platform source code doesn't clarify it. It returns with BAD_VALUE error code. The code in AudioFlinger.cpp that does that:
sp<IAudioRecord> AudioFlinger::openRecord(
2890 pid_t pid,
2891 int input,
2892 uint32_t sampleRate,
2893 int format,
2894 int channelCount,
2895 int frameCount,
2896 uint32_t flags,
2897 status_t *status)
2898 {
2899 sp<RecordThread::RecordTrack> recordTrack;
2900 sp<RecordHandle> recordHandle;
2901 sp<Client> client;
2902 wp<Client> wclient;
2903 status_t lStatus;
2904 RecordThread *thread;
2905 size_t inFrameCount;
2907 // check calling permissions
2908 if (!recordingAllowed()) {
2910 goto Exit;
2911 }
2913 // add client to list
2914 { // scope for mLock
2915 Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
2916 thread = checkRecordThread_l(input);
2917 if (thread == NULL) {
2918 lStatus = BAD_VALUE;
2919 goto Exit;
2920 }
2922 wclient = mClients.valueFor(pid);
2923 if (wclient != NULL) {
2924 client = wclient.promote();
2925 } else {
2926 client = new Client(this, pid);
2927 mClients.add(pid, client);
2928 }
2930 // create new record track. The record track uses one track in mHardwareMixerThread by convention.
2931 recordTrack = new RecordThread::RecordTrack(thread, client, sampleRate,
2932 format, channelCount, frameCount, flags);
2933 }
2934 if (recordTrack->getCblk() == NULL) {
2935 // remove local strong reference to Client before deleting the RecordTrack so that the Client
2936 // destructor is called by the TrackBase destructor with mLock held
2937 client.clear();
2938 recordTrack.clear();
2939 lStatus = NO_MEMORY;
2940 goto Exit;
2941 }
2943 // return to handle to client
2944 recordHandle = new RecordHandle(recordTrack);
2945 lStatus = NO_ERROR;
2947 Exit:
2948 if (status) {
2949 *status = lStatus;
2950 }
2951 return recordHandle;
2952 }
The code that initializes AudioRecord:
record = new AudioRecord(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC, 8000, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO,
AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(8000,
Again, it works fine on any other device, including Droid.
Thanks for any help!