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Apps Program Stops working after I exit eclipse!


I'm trying to create a tabbed interface using the example here
Tab Layout | Android Developers

but I accidentally ran the main.xml and it created a main.out.xml, then the problems came. I deleted the main.out and restarted Eclipse and now it says there is an error with my package, imports, and pretty much everything. I didn't change any code from when it was working, but I cant get it back to working either. did the main.out.xml screw me over?

I'm new to android dev, so I decided to start with a few test programs, now I moved to testing out a tabbed interface. I kept running into this problem while creating the other examples, but I just had to start a new project and copy and paste the code and it would start working again. Any help is appreciated!
Try Project -> Clean
or Right click on project -> android tools -> fix properties

Deleting the main.out.xml file.

Do project->clean again

and then open one of the .java files, any one

and run the project

Deleting the main.out.xml file.

Do project->clean again

and then open one of the .java files, any one

and run the project

This works for me all the time. Just delete the *.out.xml file that was generated when you accidentally "Run" an XML file and then Project -> Clean.
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