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Help Programs turning on wifi


Well-Known Member
I have noticed recently that some programs seem to turn on the wifi when you open them. Is there a way to stop this from happening. It means that if I am not in a strong wifi area it gives me problems
I think I had this problem when I first got the phone , I don't have data connection , so whenever some apps [google maps included] needed internet , it'd turn on wifi , connect and do it's work .. then turn it off
this was gone after the first update
Off the top of my head I can't remember which ones it is though they are location based apps. It just seems to turn on the wifi. I can turn it off but thats not the point.
Ok not actually sure that it is just the apps trying to turn the wifi on. I was on a call there and when I came off it turned the wifi on. I updated my phone yesterday to JVH so its still doing it from 2.2.1.

Any ideas?
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